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Who Qualifies for In-Home Health Care Services

There is a wide range of home health care services, and some of them aren’t covered under Medicaid or insurance plans.
Modern Times
Home health care services sound great, but they aren’t for everyone. Home health care services must be approved by Medicare, Medicaid, or other insurance providers. There is a wide variety of home services as well as qualifiers. In some instances, short-term home health care services are required, but other times, you must be homebound to qualify.

How to Qualify

To qualify for Medicaid home health care services, you must be deemed homebound. And to do that, you must have documentation stating that you are homebound from a Medicaid professional. All home health care services paid for by Medicaid must be from a Medicaid-approved provider.

State Custodial Care Programs

If you do not qualify, then some states provide state custodial care programs. These programs provide in-home health care services to patients who aren’t covered by private insurance or Medicaid. Adult day care, homemaker services, and chore assistance are all state-run programs that homebound patients qualify for.

Home Care

Home care services offer in-home health care services that do not need approval from insurance companies. These companies are available at affordable rates and don’t require approval from your insurance. The good thing about home care is that the level of care you need is completely determined by your doctor and yourself — not a claims assessor.

Home Health Aide

Home health aides work with both private clients and insurance-based companies. If you require the services of a nurse, a home health aide could be your best bet if you’re looking to pay out of pocket. Home health aides perform daily chores as well as nursing tasks.

Other Services

When you’re homebound, it is important to work with a company that ensures all your needs are met. There are other services, such as therapies and meals on wheels, which are available through home health companies. It is important to ask about these services before you sign any contracts.
Qualifying for home care services can be rough, and sometimes it is simply easier to go with a private company. Your health is your wealth, so choose the best option for you to live your best life.