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What Happens When you Stop Smoking?

Sonia Nair
Quitting smoking may cause some withdrawal symptoms, but think of the benefits it can offer you in the long run. Let us find out what happens when you stop smoking.
Smoking is one of the most common causes of deaths, across the globe. Cigarette smoke contains around 4000 chemicals, and some of them are carcinogenic. Almost everybody is aware of the negative effects of smoking, like diseases including cancer. A nonsmoker may also suffer due to the smoking habit of people, who live with him.
Despite of the increasing awareness about the negative effects, smokers are reluctant to quit the habit. The negative aspects of smoking are scary. So, think about the positive effects. Don't be scared of the withdrawal symptoms. An awareness about the benefits of quitting the habit, might help you take the risk of withdrawal symptoms in your stride.
Here's an analogy: Imagine that you are cleaning your house. You have to shift the furniture, clean your carpets, and remove dust and dirt. You may get hurt or contract back pain or get tired; but how do you feel, when you take a look at the result of your efforts. Your clean and tidy home makes you forget the fatigue.
Quitting cigarettes also works the same way. The initial roadblocks, in the form of nicotine withdrawal symptoms, may force you to continue smoking; but you have to remember the benefits, and proceed with determination.
In fact, anything worth achieving, requires resolution and determination. Think of the positive effects it will evoke in your body, the smile on the face of your spouse and family members, the good health of your baby, and many such things. Above all, the most important thing is your health and wellness.
When you quit smoking, the body will gradually undergo many changes that will positively affect your health. So, quit smoking this very moment and feel the difference.
► Your blood pressure and pulse rate have come down to normal within 20 minutes.
► It took only eight hours for the blood circulation to improve, and the level of oxygen to become normal. This happened as a result of reduction in the carbon monoxide and nicotine levels in the blood.

► You have finished 24 hours without smoking, and your body has completely eliminated nicotine and carbon monoxide from the bloodstream.
► It's two days since you have smoked, and the risk of heart attack has been cut down. Your senses of taste and smell have also improved.

► Day three brings a fresh feeling, as breathing becomes easier due to relaxation of bronchial tubes.
► Can you believe that two weeks have passed, and you are still sticking to your resolution? You are looking better, the appearance of your skin has improved, and there are no more yellow stains on your nails.
► It is the fifth month, and there is an overall improvement in your health; your cough and wheezing have subsided, you are able to walk easier, and there is no more phlegm.
► Voilà! You have completed the first year, and the resolution is still intact. The good news is that the risk of heart attack has been reduced to half, as compared to a smoker. If you continue like this, the risk of stroke will become the same as that of a non-smoker, after a period of five years.
The following five years will reduce the risk of lung cancer, and once you complete a few more years without smoking, the risk of heart attack will be the same as that of a non-smoker.
You are feeling a lot more healthy than you were before. Your family members are happy, and your kids are also following your resolution. You have saved the money, that could have been spent on cigarettes. You are happy and confident that you took the right decision. It is never too late to stop smoking, and experience a healthy life.