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What Do Probiotics Do for Your Body

Sonia Nair
Though, studies regarding the so-called benefits of probiotics are still underway, there are numerous types of probiotic supplements available in the market today. What are probiotics and how are they beneficial for the body? Probiotics are defined as those microorganisms (mainly bacteria) that are beneficial for the human body, when ingested. Even some forms of yeast and fungi are used as probiotics. You might be wondering how microorganisms like bacteria can improve human health.

How Do Probiotics Work

Human body houses different types of bacteria, including both harmful and beneficial ones. Beneficial bacteria are mainly found in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. Even skin may have certain forms of beneficial bacteria. There are around 400 species of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of humans. These bacteria are said to have various functions like improving digestion, promoting the function of the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing absorption of nutrients and boosting the immune system.
However, the most important function of these bacteria is that they are believed to fight harmful microorganisms that gain entry to the body. These bacteria are sometimes referred to as probiotics and the concept of probiotic supplements is actually derived from the role of beneficial bacteria in the human body.
Now you know that probiotics or beneficial bacteria protect the intestinal tract and fight disease-causing pathogens. Though millions of such beneficial bacteria are found inside the gastrointestinal tract and vaginal tract, there are some factors that can negatively affect their population. These include use of antibiotics and some other medications, chlorinated water, alcoholic beverages and birth control pills. Even stress, certain infections and intestinal problems are also found to affect beneficial bacteria negatively.
Once the number of beneficial bacteria dwindles, it becomes easier for pathogens to take over and multiply rapidly, thereby causing various health problems. Otherwise too, loss of beneficial bacteria may result in bloating, constipation, lesser absorption of nutrients and intestinal toxicity. So, it is believed that these beneficial organisms are vital for human health. This led to the introduction of probiotic supplements that are nothing other than live bacteria (the beneficial ones).
The concept of these supplements is based on the fact that if beneficial bacteria in the intestines are good for health, then intake of substances with these bacteria may also promote health. Introducing such beneficial bacteria will strengthen the population of the resident ones and will prove helpful.

Does Your Body Need Probiotics

So, probiotics is a term that is used to denote the beneficial gut bacteria as well as the supplements that contain such bacteria. As far as probiotics are concerned, the most commonly used bacteria are those belonging to the groups Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
Beneficial bacteria can be ingested through foods or supplements. Foods with such bacteria include yogurt, fermented milk and other beverages, fermented soybeans, fermented soy drinks, miso, tempeh, kefir and sauerkraut. Even supplements with live and active cultures are preferred as a source of probiotics.
Though there is still no conclusive evidence for the so-called benefits offered by these bacteria, some of the latest studies have indicated that probiotics may be effective in certain aspects.
According to a 2008 study conducted by researchers at Yale University, probiotics may prove beneficial for treating as well as preventing diarrhea in small kids, intestinal inflammation associated with surgery (of the intestine), eczema caused by cow milk allergy, diarrhea caused by antibiotics and irritable bowel syndrome.
It is also suggested that probiotics help to boost the immune system and in reducing the severity of cold and flu.
While there is no problem in intake of foods with probiotics, use of supplements is best done, as per the instructions of your physician. Those with particular health problems require specific probiotic strains. There are also speculations about use of probiotic supplements by those with weak immune system and/or digestive problems.
In short, use probiotic supplements (with live and active cultures) from reputed manufacturers, but only as per the instructions of your doctor. Your doctor is the best person to advice you about the right type of probiotic supplements for you and the right dosage. These supplements are not found to cause any major side effects except bloating and gas. But, it has been suggested that they may lead to infections (especially in those with underlying health problems) and unhealthy metabolism, in some people.
Probiotic supplements are now prescribed for digestive problems like skin infections, vaginal infections, infectious diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Helicobacter pylori infection, certain types of respiratory and stomach infections To conclude, you may include probiotic food in your diet, if you are not allergic to any of them. However, intake of supplements without consulting a doctor, is not at all advisable.