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Wasp Bite

Deeptee A
A wasp bite can cause severe swelling and pain. Find ways to treat it with the help of this story.
There are many different species of wasps, like paper wasp, yellow jacket wasp, bald-faced wasp, etc. These are further categorized as social and solitary wasps. Solitary wasps, as the name suggests, do not build nests.
They usually are on their own, building nests made from mud. Social wasps, true to their name, build nests which hold thousands of wasps. These are the wasps who bite or sting, as they try to protect their abode whenever they feel that they are going to be disturbed.
About 10,000 wasps can nest together, depending on the size of the nests they build. You need to be very careful while being in the vicinity of such nests. These nests are found near window ledges, attics, under surfaces (porches), gardens, water sources, and other areas that are closer to human habitat.
You can assume that there are some in the vicinity of your house also. Hence, you need to be careful or you will end up with wasp bites on your body. If you are planning a nest removal, you will need to be careful to avoid getting bitten.


Can you differentiate between a wasp sting and other insect stings? Given below are some minor symptoms that will help you identify a wasp sting.
  • The area where the wasp has stung will become red and swollen.
  • Hives may form in the area, which will lead to severe itching.
  • The affected area will either be painful or very painful, depending on the amount of venom injected.
Apart from the above, following are certain severe symptoms that you may or may not face depending on your body's reaction to the wasp venom.
  • The heart rate of the person may increase and there might be a decrease in the blood pressure.
  • The person may feel nauseated and dizzy. If he/she is very badly stung or is highly allergic, they may also lose consciousness.
  • The face and the lips may swell alarmingly. The person may also face a lot of difficulty while swallowing. He/she might also feel a lot of pain in the joints.
If you see any of these symptoms, immediate medical attention needs to be sought. Do not neglect going to a doctor, as these symptoms may cause further complications if not treated immediately.


  • The first thing you need to do is remove the sting with the help of tweezers. Trying to press out the sting will lead to spreading of the venom, so don't attempt it.
  • Next comes the washing and cleaning of the affected area. Use cold water and an antibacterial soap to clean the area thoroughly.
  • One good remedy is to apply ice over the sting to relieve the pain. If you are in too much pain, you can apply an ointment containing antihistamine or any other antiseptic cream. You can also go for painkillers, but it's not recommended to take one unless absolutely necessary.
  • If you face severe symptoms, don't wait for long, and seek doctor's help as quick as possible.
  • You can apply some calamine lotion for some comfort against the itchiness.
  • Applying some rubbing alcohol will cool the affected area and reduce the inflammation around it.
  • A mixture of one teaspoon of honey with two drops of lemon oil applied on the area will prevent the infection from spreading.
These remedies need to be followed only if you are not showing severe symptoms. It is essential to go to the hospital if you face dizziness, vomiting, or any other severe symptoms, as they can turn fatal if not treated on time.
It is always better to prevent wasp sting rather than facing the aftermath. Keep a wasp repellent at hand to avoid these insects. Don't ignore the bite if you get one and treat it as soon as possible.