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Underarm Odor

Deepa Kartha
Do you suffer from the problem of underarm sweat odor? If yes, you must surely be wanting to know the causes as well as treatment measures for getting rid of it. This Story will give adequate information on reasons of this problem along with treatment to cure it.
Underarm odor is the result of bacteria acting with the sweat. Most people experience odors in underarms during the summers. However, there are some who have severe body odor, which can be frustrating as well as embarrassing.
It has been observed that the social as well as professional life of people can be affected because of this problem as others try to avoid being near them. However, it is not a problem which cannot be cured, rather there are several medical treatments and home remedies that can prevent as well as cure this problem forever.


Most of us believe that excessive armpit sweating is responsible for causing bad odor in the underarms. Though this is partially true, only underarm sweating cannot cause this problem as sweat actually does not have any odor. On the other hand, the odor is caused by bacteria which thrives when the body does not receive enough oxygen. When this bacteria gets mixed with the sweat, it emits a foul odor from the underarms.
In other words, it can also be said that emitting the foul odor is a way of releasing waste products that are accumulated through the toxins that are taken in through the air that we breathe.
Such odor can also be caused due to the intake of foods like garlic, spicy foods, onions, alcohol, coffee, etc. Some other reasons that can cause excessive sweating and foul odor are liver disease, menopause, low blood sugar, emotional stress, metabolic dysfunction, etc.
It has also been observed that sweating can be a symptom of some serious health problems like fungal infections, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.


Treatment for this problem starts with personal hygiene and cleanliness. It is important for people who have this problem to shower or take bath frequently, at least twice in a day, especially during the summers. While bathing, one should scrub the underarm area with a soapy washcloth thoroughly. This will help eliminate the bacteria from that area. Apart from this, it is also important to wear appropriate clothing to prevent sweating.
Clothes made of cotton or silk should be preferred from those made of nylon or polyester. Also, one should wear clothes that are loose fitting as tight clothes prevent the perspiration to escape from that area, thereby giving rise to a foul odor. Other than this, it is also important to make some changes in one's diet.
If your diet consists of foods like meat, garlic, onions, exotic spices, etc., try eliminating them from your diet, and you may find relief from your problem. Following are some more treatment measures that you can use to fight the problem:

Deodorants and Antiperspirants

Deodorants and antiperspirants are the most commonly used ways for treating as well as preventing body odors. While deodorants help fight the bacteria, antiperspirants help prevent the production of sweat. Using these products after showering or having a bath, can help in fight this problem for several hours.
However, the problem with them is that many of them are made of chemicals, and so, may not be suitable for everyone. Some people have been reported to have developed skin problems due to the use of antiperspirants and deodorants. So, if you are facing a similar problem, it would be a good idea to try some simple home remedies for getting rid of armpit odor.

Home Remedies

The best thing about home remedies is that they do not have any side effects. Moreover, you do not have to spend a lot of money buying expensive deodorants and antiperspirants.
Here are some remedies that you can try at home:
  • One of the most effective home remedies is the use of witch hazel or rubbing alcohol. Take one of these things in your palm and rub it on your armpits after bathing.
  • White vinegar is also a great remedy for curing armpit odor. Take white vinegar in a bowl and dip a cotton ball in it. Rub this vinegar-soaked cotton ball on your armpits to prevent odor throughout the day.
  • It is also a good idea to use baking soda to eliminate this problem. Take some baking soda and apply it on your armpits. This will not only help absorb the perspiration, but also kill the bacteria.
Apart from the aforementioned remedies, shaving your armpits regularly can also help prevent the occurrence of odor. Though most of these remedies are effective in controlling the problem, if you do not find any relief with these treatment measures, it would be advisable to consult a physician who can find the root cause of the problem.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.