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Types of Stress You Must Know About

Chandramita Bora
Stress can be of different types, such as acute, chronic, and acute episodic stress. In this WellnessKeen post, we have discussed the most common types of stress, so you can identify them easily and take the appropriate measures for their effective management.

Did You Know?

Laughing can help you manage stress by lowering the levels of stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline.
In today's fast-paced competitive world, stress is unavoidable. It is our body's instinctive response to a particular situation, thought, or feeling. Stress can come from various sources, right from a hectic work schedule to the loss of a loved one or a troubled relationship. Irrespective of the source, stress can always be managed with lifestyle changes.
For example, a work-related change can be perceived by some as an opportunity to learn new things, while others may feel anxious as they have to learn new things and face new challenges. So, our reaction to a particular stressor depends to a great extent on how we perceive it.
Stress can be 'good' or 'bad', though the term 'stress' is usually used to mean only bad stress. Apart from good and bad stress, there are several other types of stress you must know about for better and efficient stress management.

Types of Stress


Eustress is the positive form of stress. It is the good stress that can stimulate a person to perform better by making him or her work and think faster. A person can perceive a particular situation, such as a new job, or meeting a famous personality, as exciting as well as inspiring.
This type of stress is termed as eustress, and is not physically and psychologically harmful for an individual. Rather, this type of stress can have a positive effect on the health and performance of an individual, at least in the short run.


Distress, or what we commonly term as stress, is the type that has a negative effect on our health and emotional well-being. Distress often produces intense emotions, like anger, irritation, fear, and anxiety or panic. Sometimes, distress can also manifest in physical symptoms, like palpitation, shortness of breath, and a rise in blood pressure.

➤ Acute Distress

Acute distress is the most common type of stress that comes suddenly, leaving you terrified and perplexed.
Though acute stress lasts only for a short duration, it almost always demands a response. Acute stress often produces the 'flight or fight' response in an individual. A job interview, or an exam for which you have not prepared adequately are some examples of acute stress.
The symptoms of acute stress can be easily identified. Such symptoms can include emotional distress, headaches, migraines, increased heart rate, palpitation, dizziness, shortness of breath, cold hands or feet, and excessive sweating.

➤ Acute Episodic Distress

The term 'acute episodic stress' is usually used for a situation when acute stress becomes the norm. So, acute episodic distress is characterized by frequent episodes of acute stress. People having this type of stress often find themselves struggling to organize their life and complete the never-ending list of things to be done.
People suffering from acute episodic distress are always in a hurry. This type of stress can cause work-related problems, besides deteriorating interpersonal relationships. The most common symptoms of acute episodic stress are irritability, persistent tension headaches, migraines, hypertension, and chest pain.

➤ Chronic Distress

Chronic distress is the stress that persists for a long time. Chronic stress usually stems from a long-lasting event or circumstance that cannot be controlled. Poverty, feeling trapped in a detestable career, a troubled relationship, and a traumatized childhood experience are some examples of events or circumstances that can cause chronic stress.

Other Classifications

Sometimes stress or distress is classified into several other categories, like physical, chemical, emotional, mental, traumatic, and psycho-spiritual. Dr. Karl Albrecht, a management consultant, lecturer, and author has defined four types of stress in his book, 'Stress and the Manager'.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.