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Tips to Sleep Better with Acidic Reflux

Muneeza Jamal
Acidic reflux is a common phenomenon also known as heartburn. This is very common nowadays and many people suffer on a daily basis. The researchers found that eight out of ten people suffer from routine heartburn mostly during night time.

Tips to Sleep Better

Sleep can be difficult when experiencing acid reflux. The name acidic reflux comes from the feeling the symptoms of burning in the chest. The burning of chest and relaxation do not act together in a better way. In this post, we will let you know some tips for sleeping better with acid reflux.

1. Elevate The Upper Body

A flat-bed is strongly not recommended when a person wants to sleep with acid reflux symptoms. The adjustable bed is recommended in this situation to block the way of acid present in the stomach to reach the food pipe. Raise the head for a minimum 6 inches to keep the acids stay in the stomach.

2. Do Not Eat or Drink Two Hours Before Bed

The professional physicians recommend to stop having food before two to three hours before going to bed. The less you have acid in your stomach, the less likely you feel the burning in the chest at night.

3. Avoid Junk Foods

Junk foods and drinks are primary cause of heartburn. We recommend not to consume a heavy amount of junk food in your daily routine, not only at night but also during day. Junk food can increase the influence of acid in stomach and cause heartburn.

4. Wear Loose Trousers

It is better to wear comfortable nightwear when going to sleep. Because clothing that is too tight can put the burden on the stomach. leading the acid back to food pipe. Loose pajamas are the best for sleeping if you have acid reflux.

5. Best Sleeping Position

Try to sleep on your left side to ease the connection between stomach and food pipe. Avoid sleeping on your front side as it pushes the acid to the mouth which causes heartburn. When in bed, try to uplift your head and shoulders. It can block the acid from rising towards the chest and initiating heartburn.


Acid reflux is a common problem but can be more distressing when trying to sleep. Trying these tips can ease your difficulties during night time. If the pain remains the same after practicing these tips, you must get treatment for it by consulting a doctor.