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Tips to Deal With Geopathic Stress

Buzzle Staff
A fairly well-known yet mysterious subject, geopathic stress is believed to comprise the negative radiations from the Earth's surface, and is likely to impact human health. It has its fair share of believers and skeptics, and, despite the controversies it is surrounded by, believers rummage through tips and ideas to deal with geopathic stress.

The Discovery of Geopathic Stress

Geopathic stress is said to have been discovered by German doctors in the 1920s, when they discovered that specific villages had a very high incidence of cancer. These health professionals were trying to investigate cancer clusters, and the breakthrough came when they dug further (literally) into the area's geology.
Here's where they found that the area lay on underground fault lines, and this led them to discover geopathic stress and its causes.

Explanation of Geopathic Stress

The Earth rotates on its axis and generates electric currents, forming a natural electromagnetic field on its surface, oscillating at a fixed safe frequency (Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz)). The Earth's surface, thus, is criss-crossed with natural energy lines, and living beings are prone to this comfort zone.
When this measure (7.83Hz) is distorted, either due to natural weather fluctuations or artificial magnetic fields, the Earth radiates negative energy, termed as geopathic stress, and stress lines are formed. An area built over these stress lines is affected by geopathic stress, consequently affecting the people living there.
Negative energy from the Earth's surface is said to severely impair the human immune system, leading to several serious medical implications. However, there are numerous remedies for geopathic stress; this negativity can be neutralized if proper precautions and measures are taken.

How to Find Geopathic Stress Lines


Geopathic stress lines can be detected by dowsing, which has been used since time immemorial, to locate underground objects without a standard scientific tool.
Dowsing involves the use of a metal dowsing rod/wand, a pendulum, or any V-shaped rod. Professional dowsers claim that the rod is attracted to areas of geopathic disturbance (due to electromagnetic energy, apparently); thus, you can detect the presence of stress lines when you pass over the area with the rod in your hand.


A compass is believed to help locate electromagnetic disturbances. As per experts, one has to hold a compass in the hand and turn until the needle points due north.
Then, the compass has to be moved over the supposed area of disturbance, and the needle vibrates as per the intensity of geopathic stress. This movement is believed to alert you of any electromagnetic distortions.


Though rare, devices like magnetometers are also used to gage electromagnetic fields and detect areas of frequency distortion.

Animal Behavior

Though a rather strange and unorthodox phenomena, experts state that stress lines can be identified by observing the behavior of animals.
Apparently, dogs, birds, and horses stay away from stress lines, while cats, snakes, and owls prefer resting on geopathic stress lines. Thus, if your pet dog avoids a certain area in and around the house, or keeps howling and is unhappy, know that your house is severely surrounded by geopathic stress.

How to Get Rid of Geopathic Stress

Change of Location

This is one of the natural cures for geopathic stress, though not always feasible.
If you have already sensed a strange perception in your house, or out of curiosity you call in a professional dowser, and he detects the existence of geopathic stress, it would be sensible to move out and live in a different, stress-free location all together.

Move Furniture

Moving furniture is one of the effective and cheaper solutions on how to avoid geopathic stress.
You can shift/rearrange the furniture in your house, especially your bed/couch, if it is located on the stress line.

Use Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese philosophy that expounds the relationship between humans and the energies of the Earth.
The Chinese have been using this therapy since ages, since they believe that Feng Shui helps improve life quality by naturally combating the energies of artificial electromagnetic fields, and helping the brain and body cells interact better, at the correct, safe resonant frequency.

Acupuncture of the Earth

The Earth's 'acupuncture' is a way to deal with geopathic stress by setting up metal rods on the ground.
It involves placing metal rods at suspected points of electromagnetic disturbances, in and around the house. This is a way to neutralize the distorted energy. Of course, you will need to be sure that these points are definitely affected by stress lines.

Use Neutralizers

There are plenty of stress-buster machines, resonators, spirals, card chargers, and other new-age detectors, collectively called neutralizers, available in the market today, to get rid of geopathic stress.
Neutralizing is a method of maintaining the required energy in the house, by 'neutralizing' or 'balancing' the good and harmful energies to 'neutralize' the overall effect. The device cancels out the negative electromagnetic radiations and prevents any harm to the immune system.

Line Blockage

Blocking the source of electromagnetic radiations is believed to be a temporary solution to deal with geopathic stress.
Many believe that cork layers (especially oak cork) act as a barrier between you and the negative energy; when placed properly underneath the mattress, they are believed to absorb the energy of the stress lines and relieve you of any harm.

Invest in Crystals

Crystals are believed to combat the effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation.
The purifying minerals of these widely popular crystals, like shungite, are believed to not only neutralize geopathic chaos, but also balance out the positive and negative energies of the body, thus, naturally strengthening the immune system and absolving it of any toxic energy.

Get Rid of Excess Electromagnetic Energy

One of the simplest and believable methods, especially for skeptics of geopathic stress, is to reduce exposure to excess electromagnetic energy.
Use laptops, cell phones, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc., only when required. Keep electronic devices unplugged when not in use, and stay away from power lines, electric poles, etc.