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Tips for Staying Healthy During the Coming Year

Paisley Hansen
As the new year rolls around, motivation can spike as resolutions are made and determination to make the year a diet success begins. For others, the holidays can lead to anxiety, depression, and weight gain. No matter which group you are in, you can begin today to create a new plan to stay healthy during the coming year using these tips.

About Motivation

It is important to understand that motivation comes and goes during the day and through each week. You may wake each morning filled with enthusiasm to stay on your diet, exercise for 30 minutes, or take a long walk in the evening, but if you find yourself overwhelmed at work, the first thing you may think of is finding anything to take your mind off of work.
Don’t beat yourself up because seeking comfort is natural when your mind or body finds itself battling an uncomfortable stress. The trick is to never give up on yourself.

Fighting Illness

Colds, cases of flu, and winter blues are all real experiences faced by millions of people each year, as are infections, viruses, and injuries. While many people associate the illnesses with winter months, the fact is that people get sick year around, and there are things you can do to help boost your immune system and stay healthy all year long.
As both a cardiac surgeon and diet proponent, Dr Steven Gundry Wikipedia suggests eating a diet filled with plants and staying away from processed foods and sugars. As a diet specialist, he also suggests adding turmeric, Omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin D3 supplements to your diet.

Planning Exercise

If you want to add exercises to your daily routine, one of the best ways to do it is by scheduling the time. The mind has a way of making excuses or finding ways to justify reasons for not spending time doing what is new or uncomfortable. Begin with a commitment of a set time for the next week.
If you set time aside and make it a daily routine, your body and mind will become more comfortable with the idea, and you may even find yourself missing the exercise if something comes up to interfere. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. In fact, it can be as simple as walking the dog, lifting weights, or walking on the treadmill at the local gym.

Preparing Foods

Many people have difficulty mustering the energy to fix a healthy meal for themselves after a long day of work. By the time you walk in the door, you may have to choose between an hour of exercise or cooking dinner. Although you may be tempted to grab a meal on the way home, do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to cook for yourself.
Prepare a salad, a stir fry, or pressure cook a stew – it only takes minutes and is much healthier. Studies show that ginger, garlic, and onions can help boost your immune system, so add them liberally to your dishes. Also, you can cut and store vegetables on the weekend that you can use all week long as you find delicious new meal plans.

Control Your Life!

Staying healthy can be a year long commitment if you use the four tips listed here. You may be surprised at how easy it is to incorporate the small steps into your daily routine with very little problem. You are in control of your life, so invest in yourself with good habits that keep your body strong and help boost your immune system.