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Causes of Terminal Insomnia

Puja Lalwani
As dangerous as it may sound, however, terminal insomnia is not fatal. It is simply a type of sleep disorder. Given story helping you understand the causes and treatment of this problem.
Unlike normal sleeplessness, where falling asleep initially seems challenging, terminal sleeplessness/insomnia is slightly different. It is a medical condition which disturbs the sleep patterns. In this suffering, people generally sleep well for the initial 4 to 5 hours, but wake up suddenly thereafter, and going back to sleep seems extremely difficult.
This implies that since you're up in the wee hours of morning, you are likely to experience fatigue, irritability, and slight depression. Most of the time, it is caused by emotional stress, injury, or digestive problems.
The immediate effects of this medical condition can leave you feeling extremely weak. Also, the inability to make up for this tiredness, with the help of sleep, is indeed frustrating.

Probable Terminal Insomnia Causes

Physical Reasons

  • Fatigue is considered to be both a cause and a symptom of an inability to sleep.
  • Furthermore, you could be suffering from a health condition that can wake you up at the same time everyday. For instance, an allergy, the symptoms of which flare up early in the morning, every single day.
  • You may be a light sleeper which means that any changes in your environment, such as a temperature fluctuation or slight noise, can disrupt your state of rest.
  • Perennial digestive problems result in increased energy during the nighttime. This is because the food takes more than the normal time to breakdown. This in turn leads to premature waking up.
  • Pain caused due to an injury is also a significant factor for sleeplessness.
  • Sometimes, recurring dreams can also be a reason for waking up at a particular time every night.

Emotional Reasons

Any sort of emotional feelings, such as anger, frustration, and depression are most likely to cause chronic sleeplessness. Generally, people who represses their feelings, and do not feel the need to discuss their problems with anyone, are most likely to suffer. 
This is because the repressed feelings get stored in the subconscious mind, and they begin to affect you in the form of a disturbed sleep pattern.


  • Practicing relaxation techniques before going to bed is a very good idea, as it helps in combating stress. Repeat it every night in order to reset your body's circadian rhythms.
  • For an injury or a physical illness, taking prescribed medications and therapies may help you stay asleep for a longer period. However, do not forget to consult with your doctor about the potential side effects of these medications.
  • Stay away from television and radio noise. Try changing your sleep timings and the sleeping environment. Some people require less sleep when compared to others.
  • One of the most effective remedy is to maintain a diary in order to understand the physical and emotional causes of this disorder. Jot down all the happenings of the day, both pleasant and unpleasant. When you wake up every morning, make a note of the happenings occurring in that precise moment. 
This will help you identify the root cause of the emotional upheaval. As you begin to narrow down the causes, you can opt for a suitable treatment for this medical condition.
If the problem continues to persist for a long time, even after trying the given treatments, then is advisable to see a doctor. He/she will prescribe the right treatment for you. Treating an ailment at the right time plays a key role in helping you recover at the earliest.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.