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Teeth Bleaching Trays

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
Teeth bleaching trays are one of the most popular ways to get your teeth whitened. So let's know how to use these trays and what are their effects.
Shining teeth is one of the most important attributes if you want to have an attractive personality. All of us dream of having that perfect set of white teeth, which we see Hollywood celebrities and models flaunting. A killer smile is all you need to leave a strong impression and for that killer smile, you need to have shiny white teeth.
It is said that brushing teeth twice a day is an easy way to get shiny teeth. This statement is true but it doesn't help most of us because we often binge on unhealthy junk food, which spoils the entire tooth enamel. This is where teeth bleaching trays come in. Teeth whitening or bleaching is a popular way of getting white and shiny teeth in less time.

How to Use the Trays

Now that teeth bleaching is becoming a rage, more and more people just want to go for it. They want their teeth to be white, and shine like diamonds. However, before you opt for the bleaching procedure, it is essential to follow some important steps
  • Before you think of bleaching your teeth, schedule an appointment with the dentist for a regular check-up. Your dentist will do a teeth examination to see if your teeth are healthy enough to handle the bleaching process without any side effects.
  • It is essential to decide on the level of brightness before you opt for oral bleaching trays. You don't want people to notice only your teeth and nothing else. Select a suitable shade of brightness for your teeth and don't forget any crowns or bridges, as bleaching won't cover them up.
  • Your dentist will take your teeth impression and make trays to fit them. These trays are made of a soft and clear plastic material, which fits appropriately on every tooth.
  • Your dentist will show you exactly how to use these trays and will also explain the process of bleaching teeth with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Remember to follow the dentist's instructions while using the trays and make sure you remove them in time, as prescribed by your dentist.

Custom Fit Trays

Many people today, are saving time by opting for custom fit trays instead of going to the dentist's office and spending loads of hours. Custom fit trays take less time and they are attached with whitening agents (Hydrogen Peroxide) inside them, which help in teeth whitening. The reason that this product is getting more and more popularity is because of its reasonable price and easy use.
Once you've worn the trays, you can relax and continue with your routine activities. The main USP of these trays is that they offer you the luxury of whitening teeth at home. You just have to visit the dentist's office so that he can take a quick mold of your teeth and make it ready for you in 20 to 30 minutes. It is recommended that you avoid eating and drinking during this treatment, and consult the dentist on the foods that should be eaten.
Other than a dentist there are many companies, which also manufacture trays for bleaching teeth at home. In the market, you will find two types of these trays. The first one is a disposable tray, which is just for one use and has whitening gel inserted into it.
However, it doesn't have a good grip and is very uneasy to wear, since it doesn't fit in the entire set of teeth properly. It might also move around a bit in your mouth. The second type is a non-disposable tray, which is made of a rubber like material that has a better grip. It is also bigger and wider in size which means a perfect match for your teeth set.
Bleaching teeth using trays is a great way to make sure that you get shiny white teeth without going through much trouble. You alone can be the judge of the best trays for your teeth. However, for good dental health, it is always recommended that you consult your dentist before opting for these trays.