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Swollen Face

Do you face the problem of swollen face in the morning everyday? There may be several reasons for that, some of which are discussed in the following story.
Madhurjya Bhattacharyya
Facial swelling is a condition wherein any part of the face may be swollen, either due to some infection or due to accumulation of body fluids. Many a time, there is swelling in the morning which goes away later on.
However, there are times when the swelling is accompanied by itching, which may be due to contact dermatitis. If you get contact dermatitis, it means you have been applying something which you are allergic to.
There may be several causes for facial swelling, but the most common reasons include accumulation of fluids, allergic reactions, insect bites, sinusitis, and injury to the jaws. If the swelling has occurred due to the accumulation of excess fluids, it's only because the amount of toxins in the body has increased.
In such a case, you need to change your dietary lifestyle after consulting a medical professional. The diagnosis would include determining the duration of swelling and pain, besides its intensity and degree.
It would also take into consideration whether the condition has aggravated or reduced over a period of time, and if there are other symptoms which may accompany it.
At times, allergic reactions may cause the facial skin to swell, or the puffiness may be due to hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Moreover, insect bites may also be responsible for the condition.
In addition to these conditions, eye infections like conjunctivitis, if not treated on time, may cause swelling on the face. Though rare, mumps may also cause facial swelling. In the past, mumps along with rubella and measles were responsible for facial swelling, but today due to vaccination the instances are rare.
One of the major causes of the condition is sinusitis caused due to inflammation and infection of the sinus cavity behind the eyes and nose, and these areas may be tender accompanied by swelling. Every year, millions of people are affected by this ailment.
The symptoms of this condition alter as per the area which is effected, and at times, they are similar to flu or cold. At times, sinus infection may be due to complications of flu or cold.
There may be other underlying conditions like asthma, hay fever, or allergies which may cause sinusitis. Cases of sinusitis are divided into three categories by healthcare professionals: acute, chronic, and recurrent.
Acute sinusitis may last for about three weeks, chronic sinusitis may last for about eight weeks, but can go on for several years, and in recurrent ones, there may be several attacks in a year.
Some Tips to Prevent Facial Swelling
Many a time, there may be other medical conditions which may be present other than the aforementioned conditions, so it's important to seek medical advice as soon as possible. If you observe symptoms like redness, fever, and breathing difficulties along with swelling of the face, contact a doctor immediately.
If the pain lasts for a long time and becomes too intense, it may mean that you may be allergic to some particular varieties of food. Whatever may be the reason, it's always better to drink a lot of water and consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables.
This helps detoxify the body by excreting the harmful toxins. Avoid spicy and oily foods besides reducing the consumption of salt since they promote the retention of water in the body and thereby lead to swelling of the face.
To ease the swelling, one of the best methods is to apply ice packs as it helps in numbing the nerve endings, which in turn, reduce the tenderness and feeling of pain. In case you don't prefer using ice packs, you can use chilled water to wash your face.
Another preventive measure which you can use is to apply soaked tea bags on the swelling. Puffiness, which is a result of swelling, is greatly reduced as tannin from the tea helps constrict the blood vessels.
If there is persistent pain along with facial swelling even after applying these methods, it's always better to consult a medical professional so that you get proper care.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.