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Surprising Causes of Sleeplessness

Rajib Singha
After a long tedious day, the only thing one would like to do is to sleep. The amount of sleep suggested by doctors is the elixir of a healthy, sound mind and body. If you are having a tough time falling asleep, then you may be suffering from sleeplessness, also known as insomnia.
The causes of sleeplessness are numerous, and this issue is just one of the many forms of sleep disorders. The inability to fall asleep with ease is not the only factor related to sleeplessness. People suffering from this condition face a tough time in staying asleep for the required time, or they tend to wake up way before than they intended to.
Sleeplessness, clinically called insomnia, is common in the elderly and those suffering from ailments. The symptoms include feeling tired after sleeping, fatigue, sleepiness during the day, increased irritability, anxiety, and depression, decreased work productivity, and focus on daily activities, and increased susceptibility to commit blunders or accidents.
Headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, and constant stress are the other common symptoms experienced by people suffering from sleeplessness.

What Causes Insomnia?

Sleeplessness could result from both physical and emotional factors which are related to an individual's life. For instance, those suffering from urinary tract infection, always have the urge to urinate frequently, and so this might lead to deprived sleep or sleeplessness.
Arthritis, cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, lung disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), overactive thyroid, stroke, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease may also lead to sleeplessness.
Coming to the emotional factors, individuals suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, and frequent changes in environment or work schedule, also suffer from sleeplessness.
Poor or improper sleep hygiene or habits, medication, unhealthy eating habits like eating too much and intake of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol could also cause sleeplessness.
In some cases, insomniacs aggravate this condition by worrying too much about not getting enough sleep. So, what they do is they try to fall asleep deliberately. However, they still can't manage it. Such people easily fall asleep, or sleep better, when they are not in their usual sleeping environment.
For instance, they might find it easier to fall asleep while studying, watching TV, or reading, than trying to get some sleep on their bed.
Age is also a contributing factor which may result in sleeplessness.

Remedies for Insomnia

Addressing the underlying causes of sleeplessness, is what the treatment comprises. Become aware about practices which are regarded as good sleeping habits and take up programs which can help you relax and de-stress. Affected people are advised to follow a partial sleep deprivation technique. This means that their sleep will be limited and somewhat deprived.
The aim of this practice is to make a person more tired the following night. Once the sleep starts improving, then the restriction on the sleep can be loosened up gradually.
Making use of light therapy to push back the body's internal clock for those who sleep early and tend to wake early, may turn out to be extremely beneficial.
One method which has been evolved and applied successfully for sleeplessness is by creating an environment in the bedroom which would promote sleep. One of the simple steps to apply this technique is to use the bed only for sleeping and not for anything else, not even for watching TV.
Other methods include retiring to bed only when you feel asleep, turning off the lights and any noise before sleeping and avoiding over-sleeping.
People who suffer from sleeplessness try hard to fall asleep even if they are not able to. This, actually, aggravates the condition, rather than managing it. So, it is advisable for people who do not fall asleep longer than 15 - 20 minutes after they go to bed, that they stay awake and relax their minds until they are ready to sleep again.
It is important to stick to regular bedtime and wake time schedule. This helps condition the brain with respect to sleeping. Affected people must avoid taking any afternoon naps, as this might make it difficult for them to get proper sleep at night.
Set the alarms if you have to get up at a fixed time. However, avoid knowing the time when you are sleeping. It has been observed that, people who didn't care about what time it is at night, enjoyed more peaceful sleep, than others who worried about the same. Lastly, exercise, stay active, and eat a healthy diet.
Sleeplessness is not a difficult condition to manage if the mentioned steps are followed appropriately. However, people who might not benefit from these methods, might be required to take the aid of medications from doctors to promote relaxation and sleep.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.