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Sleep Paralysis Treatment

Palmira S
Sound sleep is a must for our well-being. However, there are various disorders, which can affect our sleep, sleep paralysis being one of them. It does not cause any physical harm but, it can definitely lead to severe restlessness. Hence, proper treatment should be taken to do away with this discomforting condition.
Sleep paralysis is the most commonly observed disorder. A person suffering from this disorder is unable to move his body while sleeping or immediately after waking up. He is conscious, but finds it difficult to make any kind of movement. In some cases, hallucinations and hypnagogic imagery accompany the condition.
There are basically two types of this sleep disorder. If the condition occurs when the person is falling asleep, it is referred to as hypnagogic paralysis, whereas, if it occurs when the person is waking up, it is referred to as hypnopompic paralysis.
People suffering from narcolepsy and cataplexy are more prone to be affected with the mentioned sleep disorders. In some cases, people suffering from this problem might also have a mental disorder; they might appear to be frightened.
The condition of paralysis can last from few seconds to several minutes. If you want to stay away from this problem, try to maintain a healthy state of mind and always try to get a proper and sound sleep.


Sleeping in supine position and increase in the stress can cause sleep paralysis. A sudden change in the lifestyle and environment can affect your sleep. Sleep deprivation or insomnia can also be a cause of this paralysis.
Irregular sleeping habits can lead to this sleep disorder in some cases. An occurrence of an incident, which completely resembles the dream you had seen in the recent past, might also be a cause of this disorder.


If you think an intruder is present in the room or have a sinister feeling of an evil entity watching you, then it can be a sign of sleep paralysis. Pressure, choking, ringing in ears, lucid dreaming, are also signs of this disorder. The victim may also feel an acute sense of danger.

Treatment Options

Minor yet significant tips might help in alleviating the disorder. Avoid consumption of caffeine and sugar. Maintaining proper sleep schedule might also help to some extent. If a person is suffering from other sleep disorders like narcoplesy or cataplexy, then they should cure these disorders first. Curing them will help in the treatment as well.
Make sure that hurdles like noise or light do not disrupt your sleep. The best treatment is to visit a medical practitioner, who will prescribe some drugs, which will help in reducing the discomfort to some extent. These drugs and medicines will help in increasing the sleep duration and also in getting a sound sleep.
However, most of the time, these drugs have no effect on the mentioned disorder. When dreams occur in the middle of the sleep, they interrupt the sleep and there is no coordination between the body and the brain. They tend to react differently, which can lead to confusion. In such cases, it is better not to react physically.
Sound sleep and a healthy state of mind will keep a person away from sleep paralysis or any other sleeping disorders. However, if you already have this problem, then you should consult your family doctor for assistance.