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Sauna Bath Disadvantages

Madhura Pandit
Along with advantages, you should also be aware of the potential disadvantages of sauna bath. Tap through to know more on the potential hazards related to sauna bath.
Sauna baths have gained a lot of popularity all over the world because of their numerous health benefits. It not only rejuvenates the body, but also the mind. Having a sauna bath helps in loosening up the muscles and hence, it is considered as one of the best forms of warm up.
Secondly, a regular session of sauna helps in eliminating the wastes out of the body and helps in making the skin smooth and supple. Sauna also boosts up the metabolism which is required for improving the overall health. There are many more benefits of sauna.
However, are you aware that there are also possible hazards associated with sauna? Here we will see more on it.

Disadvantages of Sauna Bath

Now, there are several things that need to be taken into consideration before going for a sauna bath. Apart from the sauna etiquette, it is essential to follow other methods before actually using a sauna bath. For e.g., people are advised to be properly hydrated before going for a sauna bath.
This is because, one of the major disadvantages of sauna is that it can cause dehydration. As you tend to sweat a lot in a sauna bath, there are high chances of dehydration to occur. Dehydration can range from mild to severe, and can lead to symptoms like fainting, headache, and dizziness.
As a continuation of the above, dehydration can be really serious in case of people suffering from disorders related to the blood pressure. Dehydration can cause the blood pressure to lower, which can be dangerous in case of people who already suffer from a low blood pressure.
This can also be life-threatening to people suffering from heart disorders. On the contrary, if you are aware of the health benefits of sauna bath, you must be knowing that it increases the blood circulation in the body. The increased circulation puts a pressure on the heart to beat faster.
This can also be dangerous for people suffering from disorders related to blood pressure and the heart.
Another sauna bath disadvantage is that it is not recommended for pregnant women. It is believed that the heat and the steam in the sauna, and the increased blood circulation is potentially hazardous for the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women are advised against sauna.
Secondly, although sauna bath is recommended for people for treating respiratory disorders; it can cause breathing problems in some people. People experience difficulty in breathing, specially in case of dry sauna.
Last but not the least, problems related to cleanliness and hygiene cannot be ignored when taking about sauna bath problems. Both, the dry as well as wet sauna creates a humid environment which can be a breeding ground for several bacteria and pathogens.
Secondly, several types of fungi multiply very quickly in the humid and wet environment. There is no sunlight to get rid of these pathogens. Therefore, there are high chances of infections, specially fungal infections to occur.
There are several claims that having a regular sauna helps in losing weight quickly. It should be noted that although sauna helps in enhancing metabolism which is required for weight loss; it is not alone responsible for losing weight.
For an effective and natural weight loss, it is essential to follow a proper and regular diet and exercise program. Although not a disadvantage, sauna claimed to help in weight loss is surely misleading.
However, it is found that the benefits of sauna are greater in number than the disadvantage. But still, it is advisable to consult the doctor before going for a sauna bath on a regular basis. Take care!