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Ringing in Ears After Loud Music

Niharika Arya
Have you observed a ringing noise in the ear after a concert or any type of loud music? Though ringing in ears after loud music is common, prolonged exposure to loud music can cause permanent damage to the ears. Keep reading for more information.
There's no doubt we all love to hear live concerts of our favorite band or get those songs in our cell phone play list and hear them on full volume. But do you know that listening to songs at a very loud volume can one day deprive you from the sense of listening altogether? Yes that is true.
Observing a ringing sound in your ears which is also known as tinnitus, after coming back from any concert or after hearing loud noise is a very common condition experienced by almost all people, but this can be really very dangerous for the ears. People usually ignore this condition as it lasts for only 1 hour to 1 day but this carelessness may some day cause permanent ringing in ears which can be very annoying and may even cause deafness. Let's check out how loud music causes ringing and why it is dangerous.

What Damage can Loud Music Cause

Before explaining what damage the loud music does you need to understand the mechanism of hearing. Our ear has many small hair in the cochlea which vibrate when the sound enters the ear. 
These small hair are attached to the nerve cells from the roots, hence when these hair vibrate the never cells take the vibration and send them to the brain through nerve impulses which are then interpreted as hearing.
Many people wonder how loud is too loud for the ears, so the answer is anything louder than 110 dB can damage your ears. Now let's find out what happens when your ears are exposed to loud music.
  • Vibration caused by loud music is so violent that it damages the hair and causes bending or breaking of the hair. Bending of the hair may cause ringing till they become straight again. Once they get straight, the ringing sensation will go. But in case the hair breaks, the ear may get damaged and further exposure may cause permanent hearing loss.
  • In the second case, when you are exposed to loud music or sound, nerve cells which are attached to the roots of hair get overstimulated and they keep sending signals to the brain even after the loud music is over. The brain interprets it as noise and you will experience.

How to Avoid Ringing in Ears after Loud Music

As loud music is one of the most common ringing in the ears causes, the best way to avoid it is to avoid loud music. But if you simply cannot, then the following simple remedies will help you to enjoy the event as well as save your ears from the harmful effects of the loud music.
  • Whenever you go for a concert take ear plugs with you. Put them on when the concert starts and remove them while coming back. Your ears will be perfectly alright and you will also not miss any beats of the live show. You can simply use cotton balls also for this purpose.
  • Try to stand away from the speaker. If you're right next to the speaker then it will cause you maximum harm.
  • Try to avoid prolonged exposure to loud music. Hearing loud music in your headphones will also damage your ears. If the person sitting next to you can also hear whatever you are listening to, then this means your volume is too high for your ears and can cause harm to them.
The damage caused to the ear may totally depend upon the time duration for which you are exposed to the noise. If you are expose to 110 dB or more sound daily for more than 30 minutes then you are definitely in the danger zone. You need to take care of your ears. Follow the tips given in this story and avoid loud music.