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Reflexology Therapy

Bidisha Mukherjee
Reflexology is a natural form of treatment that can bring about improvement in overall health condition.
Reflexology therapy is based upon the principle that there are several reflex points present in the feet and hands that correspond to different glands and organs of the body. On stimulating one or more of these reflexes naturally, one can get rid of various types of health disorders.
This therapy was widely practiced in ancient China, Egypt, and India. Even North Americans used this technique for many years to improve the healing process of the body.

An Overview

When our body is suffering from any disease, injury, or is under a lot of stress, it gets into an imbalanced state. In this condition, reflexology can be used to reinstate the equilibrium of the body. This treatment should be carried out by a reflexologist, who is a trained, certified professional and has the knowledge of the pressure areas of the hands and feet.
In reflexology the patient is asked to lie down on a treatment bed. The reflexologist then applies certain amount of force on specific points on the feet using his or her hands only. The use of this kind of pressure on these fine points stimulates the sensory receptors of the nerves present in the foot.
The nerve impulse then gets transmitted to the spinal cord and is distributed to the entire nervous system. As a result, pain relieving hormones are released into the bloodstream that gives a soothing effect to the aches, pains, and ailments of the body.
When these techniques are used on the palms and back side of the hand, it is called hand reflexology therapy. When applied on foot, it is known as foot reflexology therapy.
Reflexologists believe that the different pressure areas of the foot represent various parts of the body so well, that one can get a complete map of the entire body on the foot itself. Therefore, foot reflexology is considered to have a better healing effect.


In general, it can be said that reflexology promotes the physical, mental, as well as emotional well-being of an individual. Some of the key health benefits have been listed below:
▶ It brings about marked improvement in blood and lymph circulation in the body.

▶ It provides substantial relief from various forms of recurring pains like migraine, back pain, etc.
▶ It has a relaxing effect on your mind and body, and thus reduces stress. Thus, it helps to treat sleep disorders.

▶ It strengthens the immune system and provides protection against various types of infections and diseases.
▶ It helps to maintain hormonal balance and thus keeps away health disorders associated with hormonal imbalance.

▶ It enables the body to discard all toxic substances from the body and thus helps in its detoxification.
▶ It can provide stability to the digestive system and cure various forms of digestive problems.

▶ It ensures faster recovery from injuries sustained by athletes during sports activities.

▶ It rejuvenates the body with energy and helps to lead an active life.
Reflexology therapy is used for the treatment of various acute and chronic health conditions. There are many people who take this treatment occasionally, to keep themselves healthy. However, do not use this therapy as a substitute for a medical treatment.
You should seek proper medical advice first and carry out this therapeutic treatment alongside the medical treatment. Moreover, small children or elderly may find this treatment very uncomfortable. Therefore, the therapist will consider their comfort level and only then recommend it for them.