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Reasons to Donate Blood

Puja Lalwani
Donating blood is not as painful as it is made out to be. In fact, you would be doing a lot for your community by spending one hour in about 2 months to donate blood. What are the reasons you should donate blood? Find out here.
Some of us have the worst fears when we think about blood tests or blood donations. While blood tests cannot be delayed for any longer than we try, we wonder why anyone would voluntarily go and have themselves pricked to give out blood.
Well, beyond this fear are a lot of reasons to donate blood, which you should know so that you can get over this fear and get down to doing your bit for those who need blood everyday, every two seconds.
Though there definitely may be many more reasons why people don't want to or cannot donate blood, here we try to give you positive reasons to do your bit for those around you. Take a look.

Why You Should Donate Blood

There are certain individuals who need blood all the time. For instance, those who suffer from leukemia need numerous blood transfusions so that their bodies function as normally as possible. This is just one of the reasons why someone may need blood.
Others may require transfusions because of severe loss of blood in an accident. In essence, once you identify the needs people have, you will be able to convince yourself that donating blood is a great idea.
The blood donation process is short, and will not hurt you in any way. The prick of the needle is hardly sensed, and if you look away, you won't have to see blood at all. The blood donation process will not last for more than half an hour to one hour, and the process of blood extraction will last only about ten minutes.
Unless you are low on iron (which will be checked before you donate blood), your body will not be harmed in any way by giving away some blood. The blood you donate is replenished within one day and you are not even going to feel weak (you will be given refreshments immediately after you have donated blood); so you really have nothing to be worried about. You can resume your work on the same day.
If you are worried about contracting diseases in the process of blood donation, you should go only to well-established blood donation centers or campaigns, such as those held by the American red cross or a good hospital.
A lot of Americans have large amounts of iron in their bodies, which can result in the development of free radicals responsible for health problems such as those of the heart and cancer. Donating blood will reduce the amount of iron in the blood and can help someone who has less of it. As such, you will be healthier and so will be the person who needs this blood so badly.
Blood is easily perishable, that is it cannot last more than 42 days. So you can see that regular supplies of blood are always required by blood banks.
The different components of your blood can save three or four different people at a time, who suffer from conditions such as cancer, anemia, and leukemia. Don't you think that's a very generous contribution by you?
Before a blood donation you are given a quick but complete check up, free of cost. This means you get to monitor your own health in the process of helping someone improve theirs. Also you get to know if you have low hemoglobin levels or any related problems that you can treat before you head off for the next blood donation drive in town.
Finally, you will save innumerable lives by giving your blood to those who need it. You will feel great about yourself and the fact that you could give something back to your community. Do you need any other reason to donate blood? Not really.
These reasons should have given you enough to think about and do something about the growing need for blood in your community, to which there is no alternative but healthier blood that can be provided by a healthy individual such as you.