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Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Men

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
The normal blood sugar levels for men range between 70-100 mg/dl after fasting for 8 hours, and 70-125 mg/dl when measured randomly at any time of the day. Readings that are lower or higher than these safe blood sugar levels may indicate underlying medical conditions. Read on to know more.
The food we consume gets converted into sugar or glucose after digestion, which serves as the primary source of energy for the body cells and tissues. This sugar is then released into bloodstream for delivering energy to various parts of the body. There is an ideal range of blood glucose, which is considered healthy. Any marked deviation from this normal blood sugar level, either lower or higher, is a medical concern. Thus, blood sugar testing is done in routine checkups to examine the fitness level. Here, we shall take a look at the normal blood glucose levels for men.

Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Males

In a healthy individual, sugar from the blood is taken up by the cells and utilized for performing normal metabolic activities. The insulin hormone plays a major role in regulating glucose levels. Its main function is to allow the body cells to take up glucose from the blood.
When there is lack of insulin, or if the body cells are not responding to this hormone, the blood sugar reading becomes abnormal. Usually, blood sugar reading is lowest in the morning (before breakfast) and raises after consuming meals.
The glucose levels are measured with the help of different types of blood tests.
According to the methodology involved, there are basically 3 types of blood glucose tests, which are fasting blood glucose test (blood sample drawn after fasting for 8 hours), random blood sugar test (blood sample collected at any time of the day) and postprandial blood sugar test (blood sample taken 2 hours after meal).
These different approaches are taken, considering the fact that the blood sugar level fluctuates constantly, especially before and after having meals.
The safe blood sugar levels for men are 70-100 mg/dl (milligram per deciliter) when measured by the fasting technique, 70-140 mg/dl when measured with postprandial method, and 70-125 mg/dl when tested randomly.
To be more precise, normal blood sugar level in men has the lowest value with the fasting method, while it is highest with the postprandial test. After analyzing the results, the doctor may suggest another test called oral glucose test to confirm diabetes.
Cooperation from the candidate's side, in terms of following the precautions, is imperative to get accurate test results.
Speaking more about the vital signs of males and females, there is a slight difference in the normal blood glucose levels in men and the ideal levels in women. This is basically due to variation in the body structure, amount of calories consumed, and level of physical activities.
Keeping this aside, it is to be borne in mind that the normal blood glucose levels for adults are not differentiated according to gender. In short, the normal blood glucose levels for men and women are identical as per medical data. For clearing your doubts, you can refer to the recommended levels provided in the test results.

Low and High Blood Sugar Levels

Blood sugar levels falling below the normal range (below 70 mg/dl by fasting method) for an extended period is considered hypoglycemia (low blood sugar condition).
Signs that indicate hypoglycemia are irritability, weakness, and at times, unconsciousness. In contrary to this, readings above the normal blood sugar levels in men (above 125 mg/dl by fasting method), is medically referred to as hyperglycemia. This is one of the primary indicators of diabetes.
The notable diabetes symptoms include excessive thirst, increased appetite, increased urination, and physical weakness.
Regular monitoring of the blood glucose levels is crucial for every individual, whose blood sugar readings fall below or above the ideal range. Even for those whose test reading shows normal values, using blood glucose monitors is crucial to identify the risks of diabetes at the earliest possible date. For suspected cases, the doctor will test the triglyceride level and analyze family history to confirm diabetes. Once diagnosis is made, don't delay in getting treatment for blood glucose related medical problems.