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Read this Chart to Know About Normal Blood Sugar

Niharika Arya
Normal blood sugar chart can be very helpful especially when you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Not only can you keep an eye on your blood sugar levels but can also get the right treatment at the right time. Read on for more information.
Our body needs glucose to perform its daily routine and activities. This glucose comes from the carbohydrates which are broken down to form glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar and is induced into the blood stream by the small intestine. Excess glucose is stored in the liver for further use.
The normal glucose or blood sugar content in our body should be between 70 and 150 mg/dL. An amount less than or greater than this value can cause dangerous consequences. To maintain normal blood sugar level, you should be aware about the normal blood sugar chart, which can give you information about the normal, low and high sugar levels.

Blood Sugar Chart

Following is the chart for blood sugar levels, which shows different levels of sugar content in the body of kids and adults.
Normal Blood Sugar Level     
Kids- 70-100 mg/dL
Adults- 70-150 mg/dL

Low Blood Sugar Level 
Kids-Below 70 mg/dL
Adults- Below 70 mg/dL

High Blood Sugar Level
Kids-Over 140 mg/dL
Adults- Over 180 mg/dL
High blood sugar can lead to diabetes or hyperglycemia and low blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia. Insulin regulates the glucose metabolism in the body. Hence, to the patients of diabetes or hyperglycemia, external insulin is given to control blood sugar.

Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart

When the blood sugar level dips down below 70 mg/dL, then this condition is known as low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.

Blood Sugar              Readings 
Levels                         (mg/dL)

Normal                         70-150

(Initial Stage)             Below 70

(Fasting)                         50

Shock                   Less than 50
Hypoglycemia can be caused due to some medications, intake of alcohol, starvation, increase in the production of insulin, tumors, liver and kidney disorder, etc. Hence, decrease in the normal blood sugar level can result in confusion, headache, excessive hunger, excessive sweating, fatigue, weakness, etc.

High Blood Sugar Levels Chart

When the blood sugar level rises above the normal value, i.e. above 150 mg/dL, then this condition of the body is known as high blood sugar or diabetes or hyperglycemia.
Blood Sugar Level- Normal
Fasting Values(mg/dL)-
Post Meal Value(mg/dL)- Less than 150

Blood Sugar Level- Early Diabetes
Fasting Values(mg/dL)-
Post Meal Value(mg/dL)-

Blood Sugar Level- Established Diabetes
Fasting Values(mg/dL)-
More than 126
Post Meal Value(mg/dL)- More than 200

How to Measure Blood Sugar Levels?

Blood sugar level should be checked regularly to avoid the consequences. Most of the people may wonder about the blood sugar tests. This test can be done either by a blood test or by taking a urine test. Blood test is the most widely used test and is considered quite accurate.
Home test kits are available in the market for testing blood sugar. Just prick and take a drop of blood in the strip given in the kit and insert the strip in the glucometer. This glucometer gives you the reading of your blood sugar level within seconds.
To confirm diabetes, you should take this test for at least 3 to 4 times a day. You can take the reading once in the morning (i.e. fasting), before lunch, 2 to 4 hrs after the lunch and before going to bed. These readings will show your blood sugar levels, and with the help of the above given chart you can consult the doctor accordingly.
Many home test kits also provide a normal blood sugar chart along with the details which can help even a normal person to understand and check the readings. The best way to maintain the balance in your sugar level is to follow a healthy diet. If your blood sugar shoots above the normal level, then consult a doctor immediately. Follow your doctor's advice, have a healthy diet, and maintain normal blood sugar level.