Energy boosters help furnish the body with instant energy required to overcome the lethargic feeling one slips into during the day. Let us dwell on natural energy boosters for men and women.
Fatigue is something we all encounter on a regular basis. In fact, some of us feel tired and exhausted every day. The morning itself begins with a lethargic approach. With this sluggish body, how does one accomplish the tasks set forth for the day?
On days when our body just doesn't seem to be cooperating, we turn to coffee for energy, little realizing that the energy provided by coffee is only short-lived. What's even worse is all this intake of coffee can end up in caffeine addiction, blood sugar fluctuations and adrenal gland depletion.
Now that we know why coffee is not a good choice for energy-boosting, let's have a look at some natural energy boosters for women and men that will help replenish the body's energy levels.
Walks and Stretches
Walking for 5-10 minutes outdoors helps revitalizing the body. If you're at work and do not have the time to go for a short walk, try out some stretches. Gently stretching your arms and legs also helps.
Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is helpful for stress and tiredness. Sit, take a deep breath slowly counting till 4. Hold it for a second and slowly count to 4 as you exhale through mouth. Do this 8-10 times daily for more energy.
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is a natural energizer and furnishes the body with great energy and vitality as it is loaded with proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, essential vitamins and minerals.
In fact bee pollen is believed to be more nutritious than any other food item on the planet. It comprises 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, 18 enzymes, at least 16 vitamins, plant hormones and natural antibiotic factors. However, people allergic to bee pollen should keep a safe distance from it.
Eat a Banana
Bananas are energy-boosting fruits. These fruits provide instant energy to the body. Bananas contain three natural sugars: fructose, sucrose and glucose, thereby providing maximum energy to the body.
In fact, they are one of those few fruits containing both simple and complex carbohydrates. The simple carbohydrates give you instant energy, while the complex carbohydrates give you endurance. Bodybuilders working out are often asked to consume a banana everyday.
Dates are loaded with essential nutrients like amino acids, sulfur, calcium, fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, manganese, copper and potassium. They also have essential vitamins.
Dates are known as power packs due to the 29 grams of natural sugars (glucose, sucrose and fructose), 31 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of dietary fiber within them. Thus, these tiny date fruits can be appropriately described as an energy-boosting dry fruit.
24 Hour Fast
Body consumes one-third of its energy on food digestion and waste elimination. Fasting for a day and drinking only liquids like water and fresh organic juices will give your body a break from the routine of digestion and elimination.
This energy not utilized for digestion will then be diverted to disease-fighting and toxin elimination. So basically you are closing down the kitchen; and since the cooks are free with nothing to do, they go and guard the house, killing intruders!
Smoothies are healthy and tasty ways of pepping up your body. The mango tango is an interesting smoothie that furnishes the body with good complex carbohydrates that keep the body energized and revitalized for several hours. To prepare this just take one cup diced mango, ½ cup plain yogurt, ½ cup milk and one scoop whey protein. Blend and have.
Vitamin C and potassium in mangoes protects the brain and nervous system. There are many smoothie recipes that can energize you.
Don't expect to be all energetic and pepped up if you follow a poor diet plan. Your body needs nutrition, which is why you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Moreover, don't forget to drink more than two liters of water everyday. Moderate exercise and cutting caffeine intake will also help.