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Long-term Effects of Lack of Sleep

Madhura Pandit
Lack of sleep or insomnia can lead to several long-term medical conditions. If this problem is left unattended, it can even lead to death. So, with proper diet, sleep, and doctor's advice, you can restore the balance back.
Insomnia or lack of sleep is one of the most common problems experienced by people all over the world. Teenagers and young adults are found to suffer from self induced lack of sleep that can be caused due to a variety of reasons.
The common causes of insomnia include excess of work, stress, some underlying medical condition, anxiety, fear, old age, etc. Sleep deprivation, when continued for a longer period, can result in chronic insomnia, which is difficult to treat and cure. Chronic insomnia can lead to several side effects.

Negative Effects of Lack of Sleep

Insomnia can affect all the parts of the body. Common or immediate symptoms of insomnia include sleepiness, fatigue, lack of energy, headache, depression, constant feeling of drowsiness, irritability, etc. This occurs due to muscle fatigue.
Muscles in the body also require sufficient amount of rest, and hence, when deprived, they tend to ache. Secondly, lack of concentration, nausea, memory lapses, loss of attention and alertness, etc., are some of the effects of lack of sleep.
The long-term consequences include diseases and disorders of the brain, heart, and other vital organs of the body. The following are the serious consequences of not getting enough amount of sleep for a longer period.

► Long-term Consequences of Insomnia:



Distorted perception


Heart disease

Heart attack


Heart failure

High blood pressure

Hormone imbalance

Irregular heartbeat

Loss of sense of reality

Low sex drive

Quick aging

Memory loss



Weight gain/loss

♦ Sleep deprivation in students can lead to negativity and a pessimistic outlook. Sometimes, it is found that people experience a sense of loss of reality due to lack of sleep. They may feel that they are in a dream world and may suffer from illusions or hallucinations. On the other hand, performance of every kind gets hampered as the person suffers from lack of energy.
♦ Most of the sexual and reproductive problems may also arise due to insomnia.
♦ Low immunity, impaired metabolism, digestion, etc., are also the long-term effects of lack of sleep.
♦ Weight loss or weight gain are the long term consequences of lack of sleep.
♦ Insomnia can affect the digestive system and the process of digestion and metabolism. A person who does not get sufficient amount of sleep also suffers from constant nausea, indigestion, constipation, and other digestive problems.
Similarly, having an improper diet and lack of sleep, together, can lead to severe problems in people of every age group. One should also note that suffering from insomnia for a fairly large period, continually, can also lead to death.
Hence, in order to prevent this, it is essential to treat insomnia as soon as possible. There are several tips and techniques to fall asleep that aid in getting rid of insomnia. Some changes in the lifestyle, work habits, diet, etc, can help in treating insomnia and the symptoms caused due to it.
On the other hand, sleep deprivation treatment also includes use of medications and home remedies. One should consult the doctor if none of these remedies help to treat insomnia.

Lastly, as a concluding note, we can summarize that the effects of insomnia can be possibly irreversible, and can even lead to death.
Hence, one should follow preventive measures to avoid them. Having a good night's sound sleep helps in maintaining proper health. Take care!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.