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Is Common Cold Contagious?

Common cold is the result of a viral infection, and tends to spread through direct and indirect contact with the virus-containing fluid droplets released while sneezing and/or coughing.
Rajib Singha
Common cold is one of the most commonly occurring medical ailments all over the world. The condition is a viral infection which affects the nose, and the throat. Fortunately, the ailment is harmless, and does not give rise to any severe health concerns.
The incidence is high in kids, especially preschoolers. They may fall ill for 6-10 times a year. In case of adults, the episodes of common cold occur about 2-4 times a year. It takes about two weeks for the disease to get resolved, and if the symptoms persist, then it is advisable to consult an appropriate medical professional.

Can Common Cold Pass from One Person to Another?

Common cold is a contagious disease, and can spread easily through direct and indirect contact with contaminated objects. Such contamination occurs through sneezing, coughing, blowing the nose, which releases airborne fluids that contain the virus.
The affected individual is contagious from 2-3 days before the manifestation of symptoms, and remains contagious till the symptoms are completely resolved. This period lasts for about 1-2 weeks. However, there is a time when the common cold is at its most contagious state.
This time is usually between the 2nd and 4th day of infection, when the symptoms are intense. Over time, the symptoms start improving, and the patient becomes less contagious. However, this may vary with different people.

Treatment and Home Remedies

There is no cure for the common cold, and the condition resolves on its own. However, medication and some home remedies can help to manage and relieve the symptoms. Medicines such as pain relievers, decongestant nasal sprays, and cough syrups may be recommended.
Some simple self-care measures such as drinking plenty of fluids, resting, keeping the room humidified, gargling with warm saline water, and using saline nasal drops, can provide relief.
Here are some quick home remedies for common cold.
  • Lemon juice mixed with warm water and some honey. (Once or twice daily)
  • A mix of garlic oil, onion juice, and warm water. (Twice daily)
  • Tea prepared with few cloves of ginger, and tea leaves. (Once every morning)
  • Soup made of lady's finger, and black pepper.(Once daily)
  • Juice prepared from bitter gourd and honey or basil leaf. (Once every night)
  • Warm milk mixed with turmeric powder. (Once or twice daily)
  • A mix of diluted tamarind water and clarified butter, boiled with black pepper powder. (Once daily)
Certain complications of common cold include sinusitis, secondary bacterial infections, wheezing, and ear infection. In adults it may simply be an annoying condition, but in kids, it may interfere with the feeding. If the symptoms persist for more than a week or two, medical consultation is essential.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.