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Quiz to Check If You Are Suffering from Insomnia

Some of us can't seem to get sleep even after counting sheep for 3 hours. Take this insomnia quiz, and find out whether it's the cause.
Sheetal Mandora
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.
Most of you may be aware of what insomnia is; a sleep disorder where someone has difficulty falling asleep or going back to sleep once awake.
This is a symptom that involves certain medical, psychiatric, and sleep disorders specified by relentless issues with falling asleep or being awake despite finding opportunities. The United States Department of Health and Human Services performed a study in 2007 and found out that about 64 million Americans suffer from insomnia every year.
Due to this, many people wish to find out for themselves if they are suffering from insomnia or do they just need a good night's sleep. And there is one way you can at least get an understanding about if you do or do not have insomnia; taking this insomnia quiz with us.
But before we get too deep into the quiz, here is a bit of information about insomnia. It is of 3 different types:
  1. Transient Insomnia: where a person can't sleep properly for either days or weeks.
  2. Acute Insomnia: where a person consistently doesn't get sound sleep from 3 weeks to 6 months.
  3. Chronic Insomnia: where a person has not had proper sleep in years.
Now think about the time when you first noticed your inability to sleep properly. Was it just days, weeks, or months ago? Or has it been so long that you can't even remember? It's essential to find out if you're suffering from insomnia or not. Depending on what you find from this quiz, you can talk to your doctor for necessary sleep deprivation treatment.

Do I Suffer from Insomnia?

If you're experiencing trouble falling asleep, then why not take this quiz and put your worries to rest once and for all. Even though this quiz tells you if you do or don't suffer from insomnia, do not, under any circumstances, take the results of the quiz as a final word. Only a certified, experienced doctor can give the correct diagnosis.
When you sleep, has anyone told you that you snore loudly or heavily at night?
  • YES
  • NO
Do you constantly find yourself without energy during daytime or are feeling sleepy?
  • YES
  • NO
Does it take more than 20 minutes to fall asleep?
  • YES
  • NO
During nighttime, do you wake up frequently and can't seem to fall back asleep?
  • YES
  • NO
Does your attention go towards the clock and you start wondering when you'll be able to get sleep?
  • YES
  • NO
Are you constantly agonizing over the fact that you are tired all the time and how pathetic you'll feel the next morning?
  • YES
  • NO
Can you never imagine to begin your day or work without 2―3 cups of coffee?
  • YES
  • NO
Have you been experiencing sleeplessness for more than 6 months now?
  • YES
  • NO
Has your doctor prescribed you any over-the-counter sleep medications?
  • YES
  • NO
What is your regular time or when are you supposed to get up in the morning? Do you wake up prior to that?
  • YES
  • NO
Are you satisfied with the hours of sleep you get in the night?
  • YES
  • NO
Can you concentrate in school or at work even though you didn't get enough sleep?
  • YES
  • NO
Do you feel irritated or frustrated most of the time?
  • YES
  • NO
If you have answered 'YES' to most of the questions given here, then you are suffering from insomnia. If there are any particular sleep deprivation symptoms experienced by you, we would recommend you to consult your doctor at the earliest.
The side effects of insomnia can create issues in your day-to-day life. It is highly essential that you speak to your doctor about this, and not overlook the symptoms. Only your doctor is qualified to diagnose the condition, and inform you on any further treatment options.