A good night's sleep is important for all as it helps the brain to work better. In newborns and children, it is important as it plays a vital role in their development. Enough sleep is a remedy for sick people and increases memory retention.
With busy schedule and stressed lifestyle, sleep has taken a back seat. Sleeping is important, and if you get the right amount, it can work wonders for your mind and body. When a person is sleeping, his brain works towards healthy brain function.
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We often overlook number of hours of sleep needed, and this is when we begin to develop health problems. It is important to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep everyday. The effect of sleeping too much is same as effect of lack of sleep.
The Prevention and Cure of Disease
Sleep helps body recuperate from several diseases and other health problems. The insistence on rest when you suffer from even a minor headache is not without a reason.
While you sleep your body gets a chance to repair its damaged cells and strengthen the immune system. This prevents onset of other health problems. Also, sleeping well can help you deal with the physical and mental stress you face daily.
The Enhancement of Memory
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Studies show that those who sleep well and for the required number of hours have better memory function than those who don't get the required hours of sleep.
As memory is affected by the sleep pattern, so is learning. Proper sleep makes the body and mind alert, and ready to receive and learn new information.
Many students burn the midnight oil to prepare for exams, or to finish an assignment. However, it should be noted that learning and memory function work better when you sleep adequately.
You may have noticed how your mood is affected on the day after a bad night's sleep. You are irritable and distracted only because you're sleepy throughout the day. It is bound to end in a bad way.
The Effect of Sleep on your Mood
On the other hand, notice your mood on a day when you have had the necessary amount of sleep. You are perky, ready to face the day, and in a good mood. This is the impact of sleep on your mood.
If you are wondering why you're still putting on weight after following a strict diet, it may be because you're probably not sleeping enough.
Relation Between Weight and Sleep
Sleep affects the metabolism of the body, thereby resulting in irregular weight gain pattern.
Lack of sleep causes body to preserve carbohydrates and fats to deal with physical and mental stress on the body. Your metabolism is affected and you may gain weight. Sleep deprivation leads to hormonal changes, affecting appetite.
The Onset of Sleep Disorders
An irregular sleeping pattern can lead to the development of sleep disorders such as insomnia.
Lack of sleep can cause increased hypertension, risk of stroke and heart diseases, and lack of ability to deal with stressful situations. The only way to prevent sleep disorder is to get good sleep.
As proper sleep makes body and mind alert, it helps prevent mishaps and accidents that may occur due to lack of sleep. Less sleep makes a person sleepy, leading to injuries.
Sleep and General Safety
Never underestimate importance of sleep and rest. Nothing is more important than health. Give up late nights and follow a healthy sleep pattern, and see the positive impact it has on your life!