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How to Use Vaporizer

Bidisha Mukherjee
The knowledge of how to use vaporizer is important, in order to yield best results from the device. This story contains some valuable guidance, regarding proper way to use a vaporizer.
Vaporizer is a wonderful device used to create vapor out of extracts of various useful ingredients of plant herbs, for inhalation purpose. It is also referred to, as herbal vaporizer and has a large variety of therapeutic uses. It is used to reduce pain, relieve stress, improve respiratory function. It provides excellent relief from chest congestion caused by common cold.

How to Use Herbal Vaporizer

There are a large variety of herbal vaporizer units available in the market. Each of them have different methods of functioning. However, the basic working principle is more or less the same for all. The main steps of how to use vaporizer are as follows:

Step #1

The first step involves preparation of the herbs. Usually, the herbs are available in the form of whole leaves. You have to ground these leaves to a uniform consistency, in order to obtain maximum vapor efficiency.
You can use a high quality herb grinder for this job. Just giving a couple of quick spins in the grinder will serve your purpose. Make sure not to ground the herb into a fine powder. Or else, it would get mixed with the vapor. If you do not have a grinder, cut the individual leaves into small pieces with a pair of scissors.

Step #2

Now that your herbs are ready, turn on the vaporizer to maximum temperature. The turn on mechanism is often different for every unit. If you do not know how to switch on your type of vaporizer, then refer to the manufacturer's manual. It carries all the detailed instructions in this regard.

Step #3

Now, it's time to load the handpiece with the herbs that you have prepared in step 1. In most vaporizer units, a screen is attached to the handpiece. You have to load the herbs on the screen.
Many people make the mistake of over crowding the screen with a large amount of herbs, with the hope that it will give them more effective results. Though the fact is that a small amount of herbs is enough, for a uniform vaporizing effect.

Step #4

When the herb is properly loaded, it's time to check out the recommended temperature provided in the instructor's manual. If your vaporizer has a metal heating element and it has turned hot and red, then it is an indication that it has attained the required temperature. For all other types of vaporizers, the temperature should be high enough to be used for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

Step #5

Once the vaporizer is at a correct temperature, hold the mouthpiece just behind the heating element and put the plastic tube of the mouthpiece inside your mouth and start inhaling the vapor. Basically, the vapor is formed as a result of drawing hot air over the loaded herbs which then enter the lungs through the tube.
Some people prefer fast and long inhalations at high temperatures, and others may opt for slow inhalations at moderate temperature. You can get the draw as per your convenience. After getting the draw of vapor, keep the handpiece and the vaporizer unit away from each other to prevent any further heating of the herbs. Finally, turn it off and allow it to cool down.
Initially, you may find it difficult to adjust with the drawing speed of the vapor and the temperature variations. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to find out the temperature and speed that suits you the best.
If you are looking for how to use a vaporizer for chest congestion in small babies, then I must tell you that you just have start the machine inside the baby's room. However, make sure that the machine is not kept very close to the baby's cot.