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How to Stop Drinking Coffee

Madhura Pandit
Having excess coffee is bad for your health. Here are tips and techniques that can be adopted to quit drinking coffee in order to avoid side effects associated with it.
Are you one of the many who begin the day with a coffee, have coffee for breakfast, have 6-7 cups of coffee while working throughout the day, and have another cup while watching a game of sport at the end of the day? Well, you are almost addicted to coffee! You might argue that you do not get the morning kick if you don't have your usual Joe, and having coffee while working keeps you from falling asleep. Whatever the reasons, coffee or caffeine addiction is as worse as alcohol or cigarette addiction. Apart from coffee, soft drinks and sodas also contain caffeine which is bad for health, if consumed in large quantities for a longer period.

Reasons to Stop Drinking Coffee

Coffee affects nearly all parts of the body. Prominently, it leads to insomnia and other sleep disorders. One of the most alarming side effects is its effect on the heart and the cardiovascular system.
Drinking coffee increases heart rate, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Caffeine has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal system and affects digestion, leading to constipation, loss of appetite, etc. It affects the kidneys and may lead to depression, anxiety, etc.
Too much caffeine is also believed to affect the reproductive system and lead to disorders during pregnancy in women.


If you are an excessive coffee or caffeine addict, you might take a longer time to get rid of this addiction. However, it is not impossible! There are a few steps that will help you quit coffee without any side effects or withdrawal symptoms.

Reduce Intake of Coffee

If you stop drinking coffee abruptly, you are sure to suffer from withdrawal symptoms like headache, anxiety, nervousness, etc. Therefore, you need to gradually reduce the intake. Reduce at least 1-2 cups of coffee every day from the total number of coffee that you have in an entire day. When you do not suffer from withdrawal symptoms, you will be motivated. You should remember not to go back to your older routine under any condition.

Substitute Caffeine with Other Drinks

You can substitute coffee or soda with herbal tea, green tea, or decaffeinated coffee. Secondly, you can also avoid your coffee breaks with colleagues, or have fruit juice or milk shake as a substitute at breaks. Interestingly, an apple or green tea in the morning boosts metabolism in the same way as coffee.

Avoid Factors That Make You Drowsy

Majority of people argue that they have coffee to avoid drowsiness during the day. It is true that coffee or caffeine makes you alert. But, you can avoid factors that make you sleepy or drowsy as much as possible. You should have a light lunch with less carbohydrates. Secondly, your diet should be high on proteins to get energy to keep you active all day long. You should have a proper sleep for 6-7 hours every day to avoid feeling drowsy and sleepy during the day.
Although it is not possible to cut down coffee immediately, begin by taking baby steps. Avoiding caffeine can reduce several self-induced disorders. Good luck!
Disclaimer: This story is meant only to provide information. It should not be used as a substitute for doctor's advice.