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How to Remove Water from Ears

Parul Solanki
Water usually enters our ears when we are swimming or bathing. In certain cases it can be quite annoying and sometimes even painful. So if you are wondering how to remove water from ears, then here is a look at some easy tips that will help you get rid of the annoying problem.
Water trapped in the ears can be an annoying experience for anyone. Most of the time, the water gets stuck in the outer ear canal when you are swimming or taking a bath. However, what people do not realize is that the moisture trapped in the ear is not just an uncomfortable experience, but can also be dangerous.
The water or moisture in the ear creates a favorable breeding ground for the growth of bacteria and can result in a common ear infection known as "swimmer's ear" or acute external otitis. Some drops of water present in the ear can also result in a certain amount of hearing loss and even affect your balance while walking.
So if you are wondering how to remove water from ears, here are few steps that will help you on your way to getting rid of the nuisance.

Tips for Removing Water from Ears

Tip #1: The best way to remove water from ears is to let gravity do the job. So when water gets into your ear, just tilt your head and tap it gently. Alternately you can also sleep by placing the affected year towards the surface of the pillow and let the force of gravity pull the stubborn water down and out.
Tip #2: You can use a simple home remedy for drying the water from the ear. Just prepare an equal mixture of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar and put two to three drops of this mixture into the affected ear in order to dry it. There are also many water-drying, antiseptic ear drops available over the counter suitable for children and adults.
Tip #3: Although this method might look quite silly, the jumping bean method also allows you to get rid of the water from your ears. For this, you need to tilt your head sideways in the direction of the affected ear, and then leap up and down for a few minutes to dislodge the water. Eventually, the water will be shaken by your vigorous movements and then will fall out.
Tip #4: Purchase a ear dryer and set the dryer to cool to prevent the hot air from damaging any delicate portion inside your ear.
Tip #5: A simple remedy for getting water out of the ears is by placing a finger in the ear and creating a vacuum by pushing and pulling your finger rapidly. This will result in the water coming out of the ear very quickly.
Tip #6: Pretend you are gnawing on some food and tilt your head to the side that does not have water in it and then quickly tilt your head to the side to let the water out of the ears. Chewing gum can also dislodge the stagnant water plug in the ear due to the pressure created from the middle ear. It results in pushing the plug and draining it.
Tip #7: The flush method involves removing all water from your ear by adding more. This is done by first adding a small amount of water into your affected ear while holding your head upwards towards that side. Now quickly tip your head to the other side and the water should come out. This method is based on the principle of cohesion of liquids.
So rather than walking around with water in your ears, use these simple solutions to keep your ear canals moisture free and clean. For people who experience this ear problem, especially when swimming, they can try using ear plugs.
However, if none of these methods work for you then it is best to consult a doctor before the ear gets infected and paves the way for more wounds and lesions.