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How to Prepare for a Tornado

Sonia Nair
If you are a resident of a place that is prone to tornadoes, then you must be prepared for that. Here are some guidelines for the same.
Disasters can strike anyone at any point of time. It could be a natural one or a man-made disaster. It is always advisable to be prepared for disasters. Though we may not be able to predict disasters, those living in areas that are prone to specific natural calamities must have a basic understanding about how to prepare for that disaster.
For example, some regions are prone to floods, some others are prone to cyclones and tornadoes. There are certain locations that are prone to earthquake.
Otherwise known as a twister, a tornado is a rotating column of air that is highly dangerous. It is often viewed as a funnel-shaped cloud that is in contact with the land as well as the sky. A tornado moves so fast and cover a few miles, before it subsides.
This type of violent windstorm is so destructive that it can uproot large trees and man-made structures in its route. It will be better to understand more about some tornado facts, if you are residing in a place that is prone to such storms.
As there is no point in running here and there once the tornado strikes, you must plan beforehand about how to face such a condition. So, those residing in areas that are prone to such storms must know how to prepare for a tornado.
  • One of the main factors about tornadoes is to understand its warning signs. You must also stay informed by listening to radio and local TV. Even tornado watches, warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings can be of much help in getting intimated about approaching tornadoes.
  • The possible warning signs of a tornado may include high winds with dust, along with a dark sky, strong movement of clouds, continuous thunder storms and a rumbling sound, etc. Though, you may watch out for signs, such signs may not always lead to a tornado.
  • First of all, you must prepare a disaster supplies kit. It must have emergency food (non perishable) and water, essential medicines and first aid kit, cash (and credit cards), radio with batteries, flashlight, shoes, candles, blankets, sanitation supplies and clothing. If you have pets, make sure to save some pet food too.
  • Everybody residing in the house must hurry to the tornado shelter (usually built in houses that are located in places prone to such windstorms). Otherwise, basement or a safe room in the first floor is the best place to gather during a tornado. If you can, turn off the gas meter and close the windows.
  • If possible, take shelter beneath a study furniture (a heavy table or desk) or cover yourselves with cushions or mattresses. This will help to protect yourself from injuries that can be caused by the flying debris. Always make sure not to stay near windows and doors, especially those with glass.
  • If you are outdoors or driving a vehicle, seek a shelter at the earliest. It is advisable to avoid constructions with very wide roofs, like, an auditorium or a shopping mall. If you did not find a proper shelter, lie in a ditch or any low-lying area. Keep your arms around the neck and the head.
It will be better to conduct tornado drills every year, just before the tornado prone season. Make an emergency plan beforehand about how to contact family members who are not in home (at the time of a tornado) and how to get back to home.
A little preparation will always prove helpful in braving a tornado, rather than getting panicked. The above said is only a brief overview about how to prepare for a tornado. You can gain more knowledge about how to prepare for tornadoes, from the local authorities, who deal with disaster management.