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How to Meditate Deeply

Leena Palande
Claimed to be one of the best alternatives for relaxation, meditation, if done sincerely and properly, helps improve blood circulation, respiration, memory, and creativity. It also relieves stress, reduces anxiety and depression, which are major factors that stops us from leading a happy and healthy life.
Meditation refers to the traditional way of training your mind. It helps enhance your frame of mind and elevate your overall mood.
Though it is an ancient way of finding peace of mind, scientists are still researching how meditation brings about changes in the rate of metabolism, blood pressure levels, etc. Meditation can help activate the brain, reduce pain, and relieve stress, though how this takes place is still unclear.

Deep Meditation

Some meditation techniques involve concentrating on any object of contemplation, while some involve focusing the mind on the breath.
Mantra meditation, Vipassana meditation, Buddhist meditation, Yoga meditation, and Zen meditation are some popular types of meditation. The benefits of meditation are most noticed when deep meditation practices are followed.
Select a calm and quiet (noiseless) place where you can sit and relax. Sit in a comfortable position, preferably your legs crossed and hands resting on your laps.
Those who can't sit down may use a chair. Relax all your muscles and breathe naturally, slowly, and easily. Slowly, try to breathe deeply. Close your eyes and concentrate on the breathing, the rise and fall of the belly, and feel the warmth of the fresh air in your nostrils with each breath.
Beginners often find it difficult to concentrate since concerns of daily life tend to encroach their thoughts. Allow those thoughts to flow in and out.
With practice, you'll eventually succeed in pushing away these thoughts. You should refocus on a word or object every time you are distracted. If you find it difficulty to concentrate, select a sound, prayers, or guided meditation. Concentrating on a sound helps eliminate emotions, thoughts, and other distractions that sap your energy.
Begin by meditating for 5 minutes everyday, and gradually increase the time to 15 minutes or more.
Try to meditate every day, at the same place and time. The sound of flowing water or the fragrance of incense can enhance your mood and can help you concentrate better. Burning candles can help soothe your mind as well. Avoid bright light and create a serene ambiance and appealing atmosphere for meditation.

Benefits of Deep Meditation

Deep meditation involves forgetting the world around you, and being in a heightened state of awareness. Practicing in the same quiet and stress-free location keeps you free from interruptions. This is essential for deep meditation. Learning the techniques of 'pranayama' and yoga can help you enjoy the benefits of meditation earlier.
'Pranayama' involves different breathing techniques regarding breathing in, holding the breath, and breathing out, which help enhance your physical as well as mental health.
Following effective meditation techniques, can help you enjoy a higher level of consciousness. Your mind would then remain unaffected by external events, undisturbed by gain or loss. Meditation promotes complete relaxation of mind and helps reinvent yourself.
Once you know how to meditate deeply, you can meditate anywhere, at any time. You can enjoy a stress-relieving break even in your office.
Deep meditation helps get rid of unwanted thoughts, and keeps your mind free of scattered thoughts. Your mind directs you towards inner peace and ultimate realization of bliss. Profound relaxation of the mind and spirit brings peace, regulates hormonal flow, boosts metabolism, strengthens your immune system, and helps combat depression and chronic diseases.