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How to Get Rid of Water in Your Ear

Rujuta Borkar
Whether it was a swim in the ocean or a dip in the pool, the water has made its way into your ear and started a dull ache that just does not seem to pass. As if the pain wasn't enough, your ears are also blocked and that has added to the feeling of discomfort, making you really, really irritated.
Sometimes, in spite of wearing ear plugs, the water manages to make its way in and settle there. What we need to focus on though, is not the 'how' of the situation, but the 'what to do' of it. How to get rid of water in your ear? Let's give you a some basic remedies in the sections that are to follow.

Simple Solutions

If the water that has been trapped in your ears is from a swimming pool, it can cause considerably more pain because of the chemicals like chlorine that have been added. The following are some simple remedies that you can bring into action.

Jump About

This remedy has been used for ages and is seen to work for most people. All you do is tilt your head to the direction of the ear block and ear pain and then jump in short jerks. The gravitational force and the fast jerks are seen to draw the water right out.

Alcohol in the Ear

Arrange for a bottle of rubbing alcohol and pour some on a cotton swab. Wring the excess liquid off and then drop about 2 drops in the ear canal. You can even use a ear dropper for the same. Just make sure that the dropper is clean. Once the alcohol is in, shake your head so that it spreads all over. Then let it stay for about 5 seconds. After this, you just tilt your head and let the liquid flow out. The alcohol dries up the excess water and gets rid of all the bacterial buildup.

Vinegar and Alcohol

How to get rid of water from ears? Mix equal amounts of rubbing alcohol and vinegar and then put about 3 drops in the affected ear with the help of a dropper. The solution will dry the water out.

Clear Vodka

Make sure it is clear vodka. Take some vodka, pour it on a cotton ball and then squeeze off the excess vodka. Place the swab in the affected area. Let it stay for over 30 minutes or more. Not only does this get rid of the excess water, but also helps to heal any infection that might have come about.

Blow Dryer

Use the blow dryer on a low setting and let the warm air take care of the rest. Keep the dryer at a comfortable distance from the ear and you'll find that the warm air helps to dry the excess water that has accumulated in the ear. This is one of the simplest solutions for how to get water out of your ear.

Garlics and Olives

Use a pod of garlic and crush it, then squeeze the liquid in a little olive oil and pour about 2-3 drops into the ear canal with the help of a cotton swab or a dropper. This herbal remedy will not only dry the water right out, but is also known to work as a great solution for preventing or treating an ear infection.

Over-the-Counter Medication

There are several specialized drops that have been formulated to help with how to get rid of water in your ear. Any pharmacy will provide you with what are known as swimmer's ear drops. These work to clear out the water and prevent or cure an ear infection.
There have been several remedies that have been put forth for the 'water in ear' problem in this Buzzle article. While many say that a simple trick of sleeping on the pillow with the affected ear over it so that gravity can play its part is good enough, it is equally important to understand that if the condition is more severe, then there is a need to take matters in your hands and take some steps to prevent or correct the situation before it escalates to something worse. So now that you know how to get rid of water in ear(s), you can keep these steps in mind for when, or if, there is ever this problem.
Disclaimer - This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.