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How to Get Rid of Bug Bites

Bhakti Satalkar
If insects have made your life miserable and you have bite marks all over your body, how to get rid of bug bites is what you need to know. In this story, you will find remedies to cure this problem.
There are a number of insects that we encounter on a day-to-day basis. Some of these cause more agony than others. There are some bug bites that cause swelling and redness, while there are others that result in itching as well. Both these conditions are annoying, especially when we have to go out for some work.
The bugs can attack any part of the body. It is rather easy to conceal bug bites on other parts as compared to the ones on the face. Here are some home remedies you can try to get rid of this scars.


If you are aware that an insect has bitten you, then the best way to treat the bite is by using a banana. Often, children play in the open around evening. Therefore, there are many more chances of them being attacked by various insects, like mosquitoes and gnats.
You can make use of a banana to treat bug bites on children. Peel a banana and use the inside of the skin to rub on the bite. This will stop the itching immediately. Subsequently, the swelling will also reduce and there will be no trace of a scar.

Ice Compress

As soon as you realize that you have been bitten by a bug, use an ice compress on bite area. Do not apply the ice directly on bare skin. Instead, wrap it in a handkerchief and then rub it on the affected area. Using an ice compress will help in reducing swelling and also decrease itching.


Aspirin can also be used in treating insect bites. Break the tablet into two and wet the edges. Now, scrub the wet edges on the bite. This will alleviate the itching sensation and swelling.

Baking Soda

One of the best ways to get rid of insect bite scars is the use of baking soda. Make a thick paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply the paste on the bite and leave it on the affected area till it dries off completely. After the paste has dried, use cold water to wash the area. The swelling would be reduced and there will not be any more itching sensation.


If you are going out in the wilderness, calamine is something that you will want to carry with you. Applying calamine on the insect bite will reduce itching instantly. However, it is important not to scratch the skin, as the poison from the bite can spread to a wider area and cause problems to a larger area.


Washing the area affected with bites as soon as possible is an important part of treatment. Use an antiseptic soap and warm water to wash the area.
If warm water and/or antiseptic soap is not available, then you can use regular soap and cold water to wash the area as well. Rub the affected area while washing to remove any remnants of the insect which might lead to infection. Cleaning will also reduce chances of an infection.

Kosher Salt

Rubbing kosher salt on the affected area will help to shrink the size of the inflammation caused by the bite. Alternatively, you can also make use of sea salt for the same purpose. Rub salt on the affected area and let it stay there for some time before washing it off.
Depending on what is easily accessible to you, you can use any of the remedies mentioned in this story. The most important tip is to make sure that you do not scratch the bite, as it will only aggravate the condition. If you notice any other effects of the bug bite, do not waste any time and seek medical help immediately.