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How to Find the Right Massage Therapist

Niharika Arya
Getting an effective and beneficial massage totally depends upon the masseur or massage therapist. If you opt for the best massage, but the therapist is unable to perform it correctly, it will just be a waste of money and time. So, for tips on how to find the right massage therapist, read this story.

Did You Know?

You can check the authenticity of a professional massage therapist on the websites of the American Massage Therapy Association and the Associated Bodywork Massage Professionals. Generally, these sites have the qualifications of the therapists listed.
Massage therapy is an effective way of treating many health conditions. It has been used since centuries, and is very helpful in relieving not only physical, but also mental and spiritual stress.
Different types of massage provide varying benefits. To get an effective massage, you need the right therapist to give you one. There are so many institutes that offer their services, which makes it even more difficult to find the right person, and trust him/her for a good massage.

▶ What Do You Want from the Massage

There are various types of massage, and the techniques are different for all. First of all, you need to find out what you desire from a massage.
Are you looking for a relaxation massage or a deep-tissue massage, acupressure or a craniosacral massage? Get information about various types of massages and find out which one you need. Find out all therapists who have proper training and experience in that particular therapy.

▶License and Certification

Check whether the therapist holds a valid license in massage therapy. Just being licensed is not enough. The person should be a certified professional and should have knowledge about advanced techniques of massage too. Finalize a therapist only when you are convinced about his skills and training.

▶ Personal References

License, certificate, and other details can no doubt make the therapist seem good enough, but it will be more helpful if you get a personal recommendation for a particular therapist from someone you know. A personal referral will make the therapist more trustworthy, and you will feel more relaxed and confident in getting a massage from him.

▶Online Reviews

The Internet has become one of the best sources of information and communication. If the therapist is a thorough professional, he will most probably have his own website.
You can go through the testimonials written on his website. You can even visit websites which are specially dedicated to massage therapists where you find detailed reviews of various therapy sessions. You can even get your queries answered through the forums provided in these websites.


Though very small, the chances of a massage therapy going wrong do exist. Though this is a rare case scenario, you have to take all possible precautions to avoid any such mishap. So, go for a therapist who has rich experience in his field.
You can make a note of all the questions and queries you have about the massage and even the therapist. Make sure you tell the masseur about your present health condition and preferences, if any, like room temperature, allergies to oils or lotions, massage pressure, etc.
Find out the fees or cost of the session beforehand. Pregnant women and people with any serious health ailment should consult their doctor before opting for any massage.