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How to Avoid Gallstones

Rujuta Borkar
Gallstones can lead to a whole lot of discomfort and pain. In this following story we will look through the different steps that one can take to avoid the emergence of gallstones.
The gallbladder is an important digestive organ in our body that stores concentrated bile in it. This bile is then released when food is ingested and thereby helps in the effective digestion of food. Sometimes, however, this bile will solidify and form what is known as gallstones.
Not only do these lead to a whole lot of discomfort and pain, but can also lead to several complications like blocking the duct pipes and causing further complications like jaundice and fever among others.
These conditions can take a toll on a person and affect the quality of life. That is why it is important to learn how to avoid gallstones in the first place. Much better than undergoing a treatment and dealing with all the discomfort and investing time, money and resources that will follow. But how is one to do that? That is exactly what we shall be trying to understand in the following article.

Ways to Avoid Gallstones Naturally

Our body has the natural capacity to heal itself, did you know? All you need to do is help it with some natural remedies and the body will flush out the gallstones (if any) as well as prevent the formation of any gallstones in the first place.
So a gallstone attack needs to be avoided at all costs and how is one to go about doing that exactly? All that and more on the same will be discussed in the following section of the story.

Cholesterol Inducing and Fatty Food

Fatty and processed foods and those that lead to any sort of increase in the cholesterol levels in the body need to be avoided at any cost. It has been found that a profusion of cholesterol will lead to the formation of gallstones. Ideally, the optimum intake of fats should be about 30 grams per day. This will ensure that the body has a balanced intake of all the nutrients and can prevent the formation of gallstones in the body.

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids

Omega 3 essential fatty acids which are found in profusion in fish oil is known to help lower the cholesterol levels in the body and lead to better health. It helps to keep the body completely cleansed and thereby helps in preventing the formation of gallstones.

High Fiber Diet

The deal with these gallstones is that it needs to be flushed out from the body. For that to happen, there has to be a lot of diuretic and cleansing foods that are consumed. Any foods which have a high content of fiber will draw water into the body and thereby lead to the flushing of the waste material and the toxins of the body.
Along with this, it also helps to regularize bowel movements and aid the process of flushing out toxins further. This not only prevents but also treats gallstones. High fiber foods include whole grains, vegetables and fruits. These are some of the best foods to prevent gallstones.

Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are an integral part of every diet because they provide for a variety of nutrients and help in keeping the body free of any deficiencies. Along with that though, they also help in digestion and in providing a high fiber diet to the body.
Some of the vegetables and fruits that you can consume are beets, carrots, celery, alfalfa, radish, artichokes, lemon, garlic, fennel, horseradish, spinach, mustard green, water chestnut, watermelon, barley, broccoli, apple, grapefruit and olive oil.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another way in which the formation of gallstones can be prevented. It has been seen that vitamin C helps in converting the cholesterol into important bile acids which help in dissolving the stones and preventing the formation of gallstones as well. Vitamin C can be consumed in the form of tablets and capsules or through a normal diet.

Water and Other Fluids

When it comes to flushing gallstones naturally, there can be no better way than to use water for the same. Water will help to dissolve the formation of gallstones and flush out any toxins that have been formed, thus, helping one avoid gallstones attack.

Weight Loss

It has been seen that excess weight puts a person at more risk of developing gallstones. In order to prevent that thereof there has to be that excess weight loss done so that it prevents the formation of gallstones.
It is obviously not required that the gallstones develop in the first place. Not when there are means by which they can be avoided and all the discomfort can be done away with. Now that you know the ways in which it can be done, make sure you keep it in mind and do all that it takes to avoid gallstones.