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How Light Affects Our Sleep

Hemangi Harankhedkar Mar 13, 2024
Invention of electricity has changed our sleep patterns considerably, in fact, it has disturbed it. Many factors, ranging from food habits to the lighting in your room, affect sleep. Understand the effects of light on sleep and our lives in general.
Whenever your partner works at night, does sleep seem a distant reality to you? Do you change positions, or just bury your head in the pillow to avoid the light? 
Most of you have had this experience or have to go through it everyday. There are very few people who can manage sleep in a bright environment.
Experiencing light while sleeping disrupts the body's natural sleep cycle, affecting the quality of rest. This disruption is due to light's impact on the circadian rhythm, essential for regulating sleep.
What is the Circadian Rhythm?
The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal cycle that governs biological functions, including sleep, and serves as the body's biological clock.
Environmental factors such as light and weather may disturb the circadian rhythm too. This rhythm is specifically controlled by the tiny hypothalamus in the brain, where the various cells responsible for circadian rhythm are managed.
Simplistically, all signals from the retina are transferred to the hypothalamus, where the circadian rhythm receptors are stimulated.
Circadian Rhythm Process

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Every organism has a unique circadian rhythm, regulating processes. Despite sleep's mystery, brain structures govern wakefulness and rest.
In the olden days, when there was no artificial light, people finished their work before it got dark. In short they led a balanced life with a balanced circadian.
The retina has many light-sensitive cells, i.e., these cells sense light and send signals to the brain to convey if it is day-time or night-time. The light bulb in your room emits rays, which are quickly absorbed by the light-sensitive retina cells. The cells then send signals to the brain, that convey the time of the day.

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Exposure to light signals daytime to the brain, disrupting the circadian rhythm. Normalizing sleep cycles takes time, while prolonged light exposure delays sleep, impacting the next day's productivity.
Due to some factors, we are now being exposed to more light than ever and this delays sleep, keeping us awake for extended periods of time. Thus you see, the brightness of light has a profound effect on slumber.
Factors Which Disturb Circadian Rhythms
Other than light, plenty of other internal and external factors influence sleep too.
Excessive caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine consumption, late-night eating, and jet lag from frequent time zone changes all impact our sleep patterns.
Even certain medical conditions, depression or anxiety of any kind, discomfort, and pain hampers the sleep cycle. There is a lot you can do to have a normal sleeping cycle, read further for some tips.
Regulate Your Sleeping Pattern for a Healthy Mind
Sleep is of utmost important for a healthy mind and body.
There are many ill-effects of not taking enough rest. You should make sure that you are getting adequate amount of sleep daily. Following some healthy habits will help you in maintaining a balanced cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
Keep the lights dim
Prepare for sleep by turning off all lights and setting a conducive temperature in your room. Dim lighting signals to your body clock that it's time to rest.
Avoid Caffeine
For better sleep, avoid high-caffeine foods in the evening like tea, coffee, energy drinks, and sodas. Opt for light meals with minimal spices at dinner to maintain a healthy sleep pattern.
Baths and Massages Induce Sleep
A warm water bath before bed aids quick sleep. Additionally, deep breathing, massage, and a comfy mattress promote restful slumber.
If you have a broken sleep pattern, take the effort to alter your habits and you will notice a remarkable change in yourself. So now, dim the lights in your room to have a sound good night's sleep.