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Home Remedies for Sore Tooth

Hemangi Harankhedkar
Is a sore tooth causing you trouble while eating, and leading to pain and stress? If yes, then keep reading this article, for some easy home remedies.
One morning, I woke up with a sore tooth, and there is no need for me to describe how irritating a single sore tooth can prove. I believe you would agree, that a single sore tooth has the power to hamper your day-to-day activities to a great extent. Over consumption of junk food, especially consumption of soft drinks and sugary foods, and negligence of oral health, are the two chief reasons for a sore teeth.
It is also an underlying sign of tooth and gum decay. It should thus not be neglected, and usually it is not neglected anyway, because the pain is just so unbearable, that it makes even the laziest person sit up and find the remedies!
So, are you now wondering how to fix it? There are two ways, a visit to the dentist, or some home remedies. For people like me, who dread going to the dentist, I have gathered some tried, tested and proven home remedies. Make use of these remedies quickly, and if you don't, a trip to the dentist awaits you.

Natural Remedies for a Sore Tooth

There are many home remedies to get rid of the sore tooth problem. Severe toothache is a serious problem, and the symptoms might include bleeding, and pain radiating in the jaw and neck region. Let's discuss some of the best remedies to counter it. For a mild toothache, first clean the area around the tooth by a toothpick.
This is because, sometimes the reason for a sore tooth is entangled food particles in the cavities surrounding the tooth. Once you have cleaned the surrounding space, and the pain is not ready to ease, what you need to do is use some easy home remedies, which are there mentioned below.
Garlic has magical healing powers, no doubt.
And the garlic clove radiates its healing powers in curing a toothache also. You just need to place a clove of garlic on the trouble causing tooth, and chew it slowly. Follow this technique every morning, your toothache would surely diminish.
  • Onion. Surprised! Yes, this root, which you will easily find at your home, also is helpful in curing a sore tooth. Use onion for healing a toothache, just like we had discussed for garlic. Place a piece of raw onion on the affected tooth, and let it do the healing. (tip: To keep the teeth problems at bay, chew a piece of raw onion daily.)
Another home remedy is using asafoetida. Take a pinch of asafoetida and soak it in lime juice. Now dip a clean cotton swab in this mixture and place the swab on the tooth. This will relieve the pain quickly.
There is no dearth of vanilla extract in the house of vanilla flavor lovers.
If you don't have one, get it. This is because, a dose of 3 to 4 drops of vanilla extract on the aching tooth cures the ache.
  • Chewing a raw lime along with its peel also helps in curing a toothache.
  • Another remedy to ease a toothache is using vinegar and bay berry. You need to prepare a paste of bay berry bark, and soak it in vinegar. 
  • Now apply this paste on the aching tooth for some time to relieve your tooth from the pain.
  • Clove also has magical healing properties, and in most of the herbal toothpastes you would find clove as a chief ingredient. 
Place a clove in your mouth, near the aching tooth, to relieve the pain. A pinch of pepper mixed with clove oil is also beneficial in relieving toothaches.
  • Wheat grass is a natural antibiotic, and chewing wheat grass helps in easing the pain from a sore tooth. You can also use the juice of wheat grass as a mouthwash, which would help in keeping all dental problems at bay.
  • Chewing guava leaves or spinach leaves also gives fast relief from a toothache.
  • If you don't have any of the above in your house, application of an ice pack on the cheeks would help to some extent.
Be very careful with your food habits, follow a diet low on sugars and carbonated drinks. Eat raw vegetables and fruits, which are high on calcium and vitamins, and be very particular about your dental health. You would surely not like to see yourself using dentures in the future, would you? In simple words, keep your sweet tooth in control, to keep a sore tooth at bay!