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Understanding Hiccups and Belching

Hiccups and belching are two different conditions. However, sometimes one can have constant belching similar to hiccups.
Pragya T
Many times people will keep getting constant belching. They will have a sensation of hiccups, but instead some gas will come out of the mouth which will feel like a burp or belch. This is not a very serious condition, if you regularly keep experiencing it.
However, having hiccups like sensation which comes out as belching can be quite awkward, especially when you are dining with other people. Let us look at both the conditions, and see what is the condition which feels like hiccups but comes out a belch.

Understand Hiccups

Hiccups can start for no reason and then disappear after some time. It is extremely rare for a person to have hiccups which last days or months. Hiccups are commonly seen among infants. A hiccup is basically a spasm of the diaphragm. This spasm is then followed with a distinctive sound. This happens due to the rapid closing of vocal cords. There is no common cause for hiccups as many things can trigger it.
Some of the reasons for hiccups are hot and spicy foods, harmful fumes, abdominal surgery and conditions which tend to irritate the nerves of diaphragm and abdominal. Again like causes of hiccups there is no exact cure for hiccups, and with time they go away. But, there are many remedies which seem to work sometimes.
So, to stop hiccups you can drink a glass of cold water in one gulp. You can also try breathing deeply seven times between each hiccup. If the hiccups comes before you could complete breathing seven times then start again. You can also try holding your breath as much as you can, to get rid of hiccup. Many times surprising the person, can also stop hiccups.

Understand Belching

Belching is also known as burping. With the action of belching one makes a distinct sound of noisy release of air from their mouth. Bloating and belching are common conditions. Even passing of gas in form of flatulence or belching is considered to be normal.
So, what causes belching? Sometimes we tend to swallow air with food and water. This collects gas in the upper stomach. This leads to stretching of the stomach. In turn, the stomach will trigger the lower esophageal sphincter muscle and action it to relax. This relaxing action lets the air escape right from the esophagus to the mouth.
Belching can be caused due to excessive swallowing of air or due to GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). One can try the vajrasana pose which involves sitting on their feet by bending their knees. This yoga pose greatly helps to pass out gas. This will make you burp and relieve gas. You can also try eating your food slowly, and avoid gas producing foods like beans for sometime.

Hiccups and Belching

If one is experiencing a single condition then it is okay. However, if it is in excess then you will need to seek medical help. Many times people complain that they have belching which feel like hiccups. Also, this condition sometimes tend to continue throughout the day. This can be pointing a particular condition for which you will need to consult a doctor.
Also, if you are experiencing excessive belching then it could be pointing towards GERD. If you have symptoms of GERD, then the doctor will prescribe to you certain medications and diet modifications. Excessive belching and GERD are closely related and so you will need to make lifestyle changes, till you recover from the condition.
Though, both are pretty normal conditions, excessive or repetitive hiccups or belching can be a symptom pointing to a condition. If you are experiencing excessive hiccups or belching then get a doctor's appointment.