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Hiccup Remedies That Work

Bidisha Mukherjee
Hiccups occur due to sudden contraction of the diaphragm. In this story, you will find some hiccup remedies that work.
Hiccup is a form of muscular contraction that is repeated several times in a short spell of time. The windpipe and the food pipe or the esophagus are located very close to each other. The windpipe is covered with a trap door known as epiglottis.


The main cause is some form of irritation or pressure on any of the nerves that leads to the heart or lungs or diaphragm. This can happen as a result of certain types of foods or drinks, some activities or some form of illnesses.
Foods that are often responsible for this condition are spicy foods, particularly if they are consumed hot. Beverages, like alcohol or soda can also be a reason. They can also occur during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester. Many expecting mothers often fear that this can cause harm to their baby.
Though the exact cause of this phenomenon occurring during pregnancy is not clearly known, one thing is for sure, that they are absolutely harmless. In babies, they may occur when they cry continuously for a long time.
Taking a large meal very quickly can also cause this, because of distention of stomach. Coughing can result in this problem too. Illnesses like certain tumors or diabetes can be a reason. People who are given general anesthesia for some surgical procedures may get them, as a side effect of the anesthesia.

How to Stop Hiccups?

Sugar is an excellent cure for hiccups. Take one teaspoonful of dry sugar and put it inside the mouth. Allow it to melt down slowly inside your mouth. Do not try to chew it or swallow it. The sweet sensation on the nerve endings helps.
Similarly, if one teaspoon of peanut butter is kept inside the mouth for some time and then swallowed, it is effective. These are the two home remedies that work really well for small children. Newborn babies can also get this problem.
Any form of suckling, like breastfeeding is the best way to cure it. Burping is also a cure for a baby. Probably, this way, the baby's brain gets diverted and the problem is interrupted.
Water is also one of the best cures. Take a glass of water and put some ice cubes into it. Then, sip this icy cold water slowly. Another method is to drink water after plugging your nose and ears.
Holding up the breath for a brief period of time successfully stops the problem in most of the cases. After that, when you release the breath, swallow some amount of air. This way the hiccup cycle gets disrupted and is stopped.
Distraction often helps. Therefore, you can start back counting from 100 to 1. It requires concentration, and your brain gets diverted towards the counting. By the time you end counting, you will find the hiccup gone! Drinking water in an uncomfortable position like bending over the sink may also prove to be a distraction. There are many more distraction techniques that act as effective remedies.
Hiccups may not cause any serious harm to your health. However, if it recurs frequently, it becomes very annoying. In that case, you have to take up some measures to prevent this. When you eat fast, they may happen because of improper chewing of food, as air often gets trapped in between large food particles.
Therefore, make it a habit to eat your food slowly. Overeating of food should be avoided. Many specialists opine that hiccups while eating is a signal given by the body, which indicates that your stomach is full. Spicy foods and alcohol should be avoided if you are getting them.
These food substances cause irritation to the lining of the stomach. Sometimes, there is a leakage of acid into the esophagus because of such foods and resulting in hiccups. These measures, if followed properly, can reduce further occurrence of this problem to a great extent.
All the remedies are safe to follow and do not have any side effects. Moreover, the ones that work for you may not show results for others. If they last for 4-5 hours and do not stop even after sleeping, or if is accompanied by abdominal pain or spitting of blood, then it is a cause of concern and medical advice should be sought immediately.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.