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Heat Sensitive Teeth- Causes and Prevention

Niharika Arya
More than half of the population in America is suffering from sensitive teeth. This may be a result of excess smoking, poor oral health or excessive brushing. Find out more about the causes and tips to prevent heat sensitivity in teeth.
Sensitivity means the tooth experiences pain when comes in contact with hot or cold things and even touch. If your teeth are sensitive to heat, you will experience pain when drinking or eating anything hot.
Heat sensitive tooth is more alarming than the tooth sensitive to cold. To know the reasons behind it, we should first understand about various parts of the tooth.
Our tooth is divided into four parts. Outermost and the hardest part is enamel which protects the inner layer dentin. Dentin has small tubules or channels which are connected to the innermost layer of the tooth known as pulp. There is one more layer cementum which covers the roots of the tooth and protects the pulp layer.
Gums also play a very important role in protecting the roots of a tooth. If the enamel depletes or wears off then the dentin gets exposed and hence becomes sensitive towards heat. The tubules present at the dentin layer takes the bacteria and other infections to the innermost pulp which in turn may cause tooth abscess.
Gum recession can expose the roots of the tooth and hence, it also becomes a reason for heat sensitive tooth pain. Sometimes you may face severe tooth pain which might need medical attention.

Causes of Heat Sensitivity in Tooth

  • Excessive brushing can result in the enamel abrasion. Use of hard bristled brush can also be a reason behind it.
  • Poor oral hygiene can build a plaque near the teeth and gums. This helps the bacteria to grow and causes damage to the gums.
  • Intake of acidic substances can dissolve the enamel.
  • Aging is also a factor responsible for the recession of gums which exposes the roots and cause sensitive teeth.
  • Some people have a habit of teeth grinding, this can result in the wearing away of enamel.
  • Teeth whitening treatments are to beautify your teeth but they can harm the enamel layer and can cause tooth sensitive problems.
  • Tooth decay, crack or fracture can also result in sensitive tooth. It is more of a symptom for such condition than a cause.
  • Any kind of dental work can also result in heat sensitivity. The pain can be for few days or for a prolonged period.

Treatment Options

If you are suffering from heat sensitivity in tooth then the treatment will depend upon the condition of the pain. If the pain remains for more than two weeks then consult a dentist. Dentist may prescribe you with some de-sensitizing products like toothpaste and fluoride gel or rinses which can relieve you from the pain. Many people experience sensitive tooth after root canal or some other dental treatment which gradually stops after few days.

Preventing Sensitivity in Tooth

  • Brush your teeth twice daily with a medium to soft bristled brush.
  • Brush your teeth in a circular or up and down motion gently. Avoid using brush in a side to side motion as it can harm the gums and expose the roots of the tooth.
  • Avoid the consumption of acidic food as it can dissolve the enamel.
  • Smoking and chewing tobacco can harm your teeth and can deplete the enamel.
  • Keep your mouth and tongue clean.
  • Go for a regular teeth check-up to avoid sensitive tooth conditions.
  • If you have a habit of grinding teeth at night then don't forget to wear teeth guard before sleeping.

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I hope this information will help you to get rid of heat sensitivity. Follow the precautions to avoid tooth pain and to enjoy your food every single time.