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Heart Rate Myths and Facts

Niharika Arya
Average normal resting heart rate of an adult is between 60 to 100 beats a minute. Though fluctuation in these values is very common, they are related to many myths and beliefs.

Common Heart Rate Myths

◆ Heart will stop beating if the heart rate is low.
◆ If heart rate is normal, blood pressure will be normal too.
◆ Fast heart rate means you are stressed out.
◆ There is a target heart rate for exercising during pregnancy.

Myths and Facts about the Heart Rate

Myth: If you have an erratic heartbeat, it means you are going to have a heart attack.

Fact: It's common for your heart to skip a beat, flutter, display extra beat, etc. If you observe the heart rate of any person, you will find that all these phenomena are considered very common. To conclude it as a serious health condition like heart attack.
Myth: Heart rate while exercising during pregnancy should not exceed 130 beats per minute.
Fact: There is no target heart rate for a pregnant woman. Exercise is a very important part of your daily schedule during pregnancy. But there is no such set heart rate limit which you need to maintain. Ask your doctor for proper guidelines on your exercise routine.
Myth: Fast pulse means that you are stressed out.

Fact: Fast pulse does not always mean you are stressed. Shoot up in the resting heart rate can be caused due to other reasons also, such as smoking and consumption of high amount of caffeine. If the pulse rate is above 85 constantly, then you should consult your doctor.
Myth: Average healthy resting heart rate is around 50 to 90 per minutes.

Fact: This is actually not a Myth to some extend. But the upper limit i.e. about 90 beats per minute, can be an indication of some serious health problem. Though this is not the only cause behind any disease, the associated symptoms will help to identify the reason for the elevated heart rate.
Myth: If the heart rate of a fetus is above 140 beats per minute, it's a girl and if it is below 140, then it's a boy.
Fact: This is one of the most common Myths. The heart rate of a fetus has nothing to do with the gender. You cannot find out the gender of the fetus by just listening to the heartbeat. Normal resting heart rate of a fetus is between 120 to 160 beats per minute. The heart rate can fluctuate according to the arousal of the fetus.
Myth: Slow heart rate indicates a weak heart and high heart rate indicates a strong heart.

Fact: Slow heart rate actually indicates a strong heart. All types of players and those who follow a regular exercise regimen, have strong heart muscles. As the muscles are strong, they take lesser beats than the normal heart to pump blood to the entire body. Hence, resting heart rate of 40 to 60 beats per minutes signifies that the heart is healthy.
Myth: Heart rate is related to blood pressure. If the heart rate is normal, blood pressure will be normal too.

Fact: There is no relation between heart rate and blood pressure. A person can have normal blood pressure but elevated resting heart rate or elevated blood pressure and normal resting heart rate.
Relating heart rate to an unknown cause can be dangerous. Believing on the Myth and ignoring the actual reason behind the condition can further complicate the situation. Hence, it is always better to take expert medical advice, especially when it is about your health.