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Shambhavi Agarwal
Happiness is not only an emotion! It strengthens your immune, protects your heart, combats stress, reduces aches and pains and lengthens our life.
Our author, Aman Rustagi has a few happiness boosters, which help him stay happy.
Scientifically music makes you happy because it causes the brain to release “Dopamine,” a feel-good chemical substance. 
Nothing is better than a good book when it comes to elevating your mood. There are no specific criteria as any genre could work for you.
Family is amazing! It creates an environment of love and happiness and it also helps you push through the worst periods of your life.
Exercise helps you in maintaining your physical and mental health. What exercise does is, it elevates your heart-rate which makes your heart pump more oxygen to your brain.

He is talking about any sort of entertainment, for him, it’s the gaming and to be more specific I'm talking about are the digital games. 
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