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Growing Taller Secrets

Arjun Kulkarni
Every parent thinks that he/she should have been a couple of inches taller. And to avoid their children thinking on similar lines, parents are continuously looking for ways to make their children grow taller. Take a look at the tips to increase height provided in this story.
Perhaps Yao Ming is a bit too much, but everyone craves a taller physical structure. It is widely accepted that taller people have a more dominating presence. They are seen as more imposing in all fields of life, especially while driving a hard bargain in the business world.
Research also suggests that taller people do not have self-esteem issues as compared to their shorter counterparts, and are quite comfortable with their bodies. They also excel at many sports like basketball. It is also true that the human race as a whole too is getting taller.
And we can see that taller people seem to have a few aces up their sleeves in almost all fields of life, simply owing to their superior height.
The direct fallout of this apparent superiority enjoyed by the giants among us is that people are running pillar to post trying to find the ways to grow taller. Sure, parents weren't able to grow, but they want their children to enjoy the benefits of being 'above the crowd'.

Secrets to Grow Taller

Regular Exercise

Exercise seems to be the panacea for everything in life! Do a mix of back exercises and stretching exercises. One of the secrets to grow taller is that you need to stretch your entire body. Hence children should mildly stretch their limbs everyday.
Cycling and swimming help stretch your limbs. Another exercise is hanging. The gravity will pull your body down, and stretch your limbs and spinal cord in the process. Alternate leg kick is another exercise suited for increasing height.
Here you have to lie on your stomach, and lift the right hand and left leg up for 10 seconds, and vice versa. This is one repetition. Start with 5 repetitions a set and progress slowly to 15.
The exercise called 'lift-up' is really simple. Stand on your toes, arms up and stretch. This too should be done for 10 seconds.
Other commonly recommended exercises are skip-rope, Surya namaskar (sun salutations), and jumping. Exercise has to be done on a regular basis. Remember, the idea here is to stretch the limbs and the spinal cord. But make sure you do it in moderation, and do not overdo it, otherwise you will end up sustaining long term damage to your body.


The next part is to follow a proper diet. If you want to grow taller, you have to focus on some nutrient groups. Your diet should consist of a good amount of proteins. Proteins help in building and conditioning muscle as well as maintaining it. You also have to consume calcium which ensures growth and strengthening of the bones.
The essential minerals need to be consumed as human bones have a high mineral content. Vitamins ensure overall growth of the body too. Phosphorus is another important nutrient, as it works in tandem with the calcium in the body to strengthen the bones. Also make sure that you have your daily quota of drinking water.

Day-to-day Things to Keep in Mind

Growing taller often goes beyond just exercise and diet, and into your daily lifestyle. There are some more things you can do on a day-to-day basis to ensure that you grow taller. Firstly, do not stress your body. Give your body enough rest after exercise.
Also keep an eye on your posture. A simple thing like sitting or standing straight, stretches the spinal cord, and also makes you look taller. Bad sitting posture on the other hand compresses the spinal cord.
Another thing you should keep in mind is that genetics plays an important role in height. There may be some growth supplements out there in the market, but you should consult your physician before incorporating them in your diet.
Although certain factors are out of your control, good exercise, good rest, and balanced diet can help increase your height to a certain extent.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.