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Elevator Safety Tips

Puja Lalwani
Following some measures for elevator safety helps you travel in them with convenience. It also helps prevent certain mishaps that occur due to people in a rush. Here's a look into some tips to guide you toward using elevators safely.
A lot of people fear traveling in elevators for a variety of reasons. Some may have had bad experiences of getting stuck in them, may have heard of these experiences from others, or may be claustrophobic and unable to stand it in there. However, the fact that an elevator is the most convenient medium of transport within a building cannot be ignored.
Moreover, with buildings becoming taller every single day and the number of high rises increasing, it is impossible to climb up those many floors. So you have to overcome your fears and enter that elevator. So that you can travel on an elevator without panicking, here are some elevator safety tips that will aid you.

Safety Tips when Using Elevators

Given below are the dos and don'ts you should follow when using an elevator. Also remember not to blindly believe the number of myths that surround elevator use. Elevators have been designed to carry heavy loads and are safe.
Moreover, the amount that should be carried is also specifically stated and an overload is not accepted. Don't assume that the elevator car will fall if it is overloaded. Finally, every elevator has an emergency support system that is easy to follow. Do not panic, and go ahead to enter that elevator.


Always ensure you know how to operate a basic elevator.

When an elevator car arrives on your floor, move aside to allow passengers to exit.

If the arriving elevator does not empty out on your floor and is full, wait for another one.
Enter the elevator carefully. As soon as you enter press the button of the floor you wish to go to. If you are unable to do so, politely ask someone else in the elevator to do it for you.

Always check if the elevator is in level with the floor before you enter or exit the elevator so that you do not trip and hurt yourself or others.
If you are already in the elevator and someone else wishes to enter when it stops at another floor, try to hold the door open by pressing the 'door open' button for them so that the elevator doors do not get stuck, or they are not injured.

Maintain a suitable distance from the elevator door, and ensure that your belonging such as bags, and clothing accessories such as scarves and ties are away from the door.

If you have children or pets accompanying you, keep them away from elevator doors.
When your floor arrives exit quickly. If you are unable to do so ask someone to hold the door open for you by pressing the 'door open' button so that you may get out conveniently. You may do the same if someone else finds themselves in such a position. 
If the lift door does not open upon stopping, press the 'door open' button. If it still does not open, press the alarm button provided. Some lifts also have a telephone with an emergency number. If the alarm fails to elicit a reaction, use the phone to contact the emergency in-charge.


In a hurry to get into the elevator and not wanting to wait for another one, do not try to stop a closing elevator with your foot, an umbrella, your hand, or any other object in your hand. Also do not try to enter the elevator when it is closing by forcing yourself through the doors. The doors may get stuck and leave you in trouble.
Do not take the elevator if there is a fire. Always use the staircase in such circumstances.
Do not force yourself into an already full elevator and overload it. It may not move, and you will delay other passengers too.

Do not use an elevator to transport heavy furniture or other such material, unless you have confirmed if it can be used for such purposes.
When exiting an elevator, do not push people ahead of you in a hurry to exit. As mentioned earlier, ask someone to hold the door open so that everyone can exit conveniently. Similarly, if you are ahead of the others and closer to the elevator door, exit immediately when the door opens on your floor and avoid stalling the others.
Do not panic in case the elevator door does not open. The instructions on getting help have been mentioned above. Do not, under any circumstance, try to force the elevator door open, or bang the elevator doors too hard.
It is likely that in some cases the elevator door may open and you may find yourself stuck between two floors. Do not attempt to jump out of the elevator at such a point. Again, ask for help. Taking such risks can lead to fatal mishaps.

Do not allow very young children to travel unaccompanied on elevators.
By following the aforementioned safety tips, you will do yourself and those with you a big favor. You will also find that you have slowly overcome your fear of elevators if you have any. Don't always be in a rush. If you are injured you are going to be delayed longer than if you would have just waited patiently for another elevator, or for it to be opened by a technician in case it was stuck. Think about it.