Though many of us complain about not getting enough sleep, we rarely do anything to change those habits that are causing us to not get the sleep we need.
But, just like changing what we choose to eat or drink can change our diet, changing just a few of our sleeping habits can help us get the best rest possible and have a better day ahead.
Your spine and body are unique. Picking the right mattress and pillow can improve your sleep quality.
Buying Suitable Pillow and Mattress
Pick a pillow that's comfy and supports your neck and head well. If it's too high, low, or sideways, your neck will suffer.
When checking out a mattress, don't be afraid to try the one in the store.
Stretch out; roll over on your side, even use this as a great time to check out a new pillow by taking the pillow you are thinking about buying with you over to the mattress.
How does your back feel? How do your shoulders and hips feel? Does everything still line up? If it doesn't feel good on the show room floor, you are not going to like it at home.
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Relax Before Sleeping
Try giving yourself some down time before hitting the sack.
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Try grabbing a warm cup of tea - decaffeinated - like mint or a fruit. Grab a non-engaging book - not your chemistry book
Play soft classical or instrumental music 30 mins before bedtime. Switch to a lamp to relax your eyes before sleeping.
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In the evening, focus on relaxing. After an argument, take a short walk to calm down before going to bed.
Avoid vigorous exercise before bed. It keeps your heart racing and prevents relaxation.
Calm yourself down before jumping in bed.
Getting the proper amount and type of sleep is necessary for you to have a healthy life.
Simple changes in your bedtime habits can lead to better sleep and a fresher start to your day.
Get the rest you need so you can start and end your day as well as you can to help you have the best life possible.