Drooling in sleep can be a natural, harmless phenomenon or a symptom of medical issues like allergies or a blocked nose. Consult a specialist doctor to prevent it.
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Drooling is commonly associated with infants. However, there are several teenagers and adults who suffer from it. Drooling can be embarrassing when sharing a bed with someone.
Waking up in a puddle of saliva is also not a pleasant experience. Although common, people do not seek a cure for drooling as they think it is a habit that cannot be changed.
Nevertheless, it is possible to stop this problem with appropriate measures. So, if you have the habit of drooling in sleep, it is important to know about how to stop this habit.
Causes of Drooling in Sleep
One of the most common cause is sleeping with the mouth open, due to some kind of respiratory or sinus problem.
Another reason of drooling is excess production of saliva, due to teething, teeth or gum infections, etc.
People taking drugs or medications may also drool in sleep, as increased production of saliva may be a side effect of the drug.
Anatomy of the mouth can also become a reason for drooling. The inability to close lips properly due to a large tongue, crowded teeth, or enlarged tonsils are likely to suffer from this problem.
How to Stop Drooling in Sleep
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Visit an ear-nose-tongue specialist to diagnose the reasons behind drooling. Mostly, drooling happens due to keeping mouth open during sleep.
One does not have control over one's body while sleeping. People with respiratory problems may open their mouths unconsciously while sleeping. This leads to saliva overproduction.
The specialist will conduct a thorough check-up for any nasal passages being restricted and prescribe medications.
You can change your sleeping position to prevent drooling.
Instead of sleeping on your sides or your stomach, make it a habit to sleep on your back.
Using wedge or contour pillows can help you stay in one position for the whole night, and will also give good support to your head and neck.
This can help in preventing drooling, as when you sleep on your back, the saliva will not flow out of your mouth even if it remains open.
Though drooling is not a serious problem, it can be quite frustrating as well as embarrassing. However, with the right treatment, you can get rid of it permanently.
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Although change will not come overnight, taking medications properly, doing breathing exercises, etc., will help you eliminate this problem completely.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.