Difficulty waking up in the morning isn't always laziness; it could signal a disorder like sleep apnea.
And if you are diagnosed with such disorders, make sure you treat yourself with effective medications.
Most of the sleep disorders are often treatable, but not cured fully.
Unfortunately, the time frame standardizes the world, and hence, making it complicated for people with sleep disorders to survive the competition here. Well, then adapt yourself to the problem and act wise.
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Overcoming Difficulty Waking Up in the Morning
Combat laziness by strengthening your willpower. Commit to waking up on time and stick to your routine consistently.
Use a loud alarm placed away from your bed to force yourself to get up and turn it off, ensuring you're out of bed.
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You can also have a vibrating alarm under your pillow or mattress. It surely causes one to wake up and switch it off.
Leave curtains and door open at night for a bright morning room, aiding in waking up.
Get a comfortable bed.
Invest in a good pillow, it helps you with a good night's sleep.
Refrain from alcohol, chocolates or caffeine content drinks before going to bed.
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Exercising 3-4 hours before bed can help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling refreshed. It tires you out, making it easier to drift off when you hit the hay.
Well, not a very good thing, but most of us live by it. Let's get ourselves disciplined and live by the thought "early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise".