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Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques

Kanika Khara
Improper breathing can lead to various health-related problems, hence it is essential that we should reprogram our natural breathing technique. Deep breathing relaxation techniques are one of the best ways of getting physical relaxation and fighting different health problems.
Breathing is a uninterrupted bodily activity that controls the emotional and mental responses of the body. But in today's fast-paced life, where no one has time to relax, most people are suffering from depression, stress, anxiety, etc.
Studies have shown that a majority of us do not properly utilize the entire capacity of our respiratory organs, i.e., while breathing, we use only a small portion of our lungs, which leads to insufficient supply of oxygen to the lungs. This further gets strained by our inactive and stressed lifestyle, which leads to many complications, like headaches, wheezing, asthma, fatigue, chest pain, etc.
By adopting deep breathing relaxation exercises, you can get rid of these complications and live a healthy lifestyle. All you need is to spare some time from your busy daily routine to perform them.

Though one cannot avoid stress and depression completely, we can counteract their negative effects by learning how to elicit the body's natural relaxation response. The relaxation response brings the body back into balance by deepening our breathing, compressing stress hormones, slowing down our heart rate and blood pressure, and relaxing our muscles.
Along with this, the techniques to breathe properly also enhance our body's energy, focus and problem-solving capabilities, fight illnesses, relieve pains and aches, and boost overall productivity. Therefore, by practicing the following relaxation and meditation techniques, one can reap all these benefits.

Relaxation technique

As we know, deep breathing is the key for complete and quick relaxation.

~ Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Keep your left hand on your abdomen and right hand on your chest. Try to concentrate on your breathing.
~ Fill your lower lungs with air in such a way that your left hand goes up when you inhale. Make sure your right hand remains still, and then, exhale through your mouth. Repeat the procedure about 10 to 12 times.
~ Again, fill your lower lungs with air, and continue inhaling into your upper chest.
~ Breathe out slowly through your mouth by making a quiet whooshing sound. You will observe that your abdomen and chest are rising and falling in a rhythmic motion like a rolling wave.
~ As you exhale, you will feel the stress leaving your body, and you will be more relaxed. Continue this for about 5 - 7 minutes, at least 4 - 5 times a day.

Relaxation technique for relaxing tense muscles

It is useful in treating stress-related health problems and reducing muscle tension and general muscle anxiety.
~ Lie down on your back, and stretch yourself completely.Focus on your breathing.
~ Tense up a group of muscles so that they get tightly contracted for 5 to 10 seconds.
~ Now, exhale slowly and release the muscles.Relax the muscles for few more seconds, and you will experience deep relaxation in your muscles.Repeat the procedure with other muscles groups also.

Relaxation technique for synchronization of body parts

This relaxation technique relaxes every part of your body and gets everything into synchrony.

~ Lie on your back, and slowly relax your body.
~ Start inhaling slowly through your nose, and fill the lower part of your chest first, then the middle, and finally the top part of your chest and lungs with inhaled air. Do this slowly for 8 to 10 seconds.
~ Hold your breath for few seconds, and then release the air out. Wait for few seconds, and then repeat the procedure.

Relaxation technique for releasing stress

This technique releases stress, lowers oxygen consumption, reduces blood pressure, and also helps relieve muscle tension.

~ Sit with your eyes closed in a comfortable position and start deep breathing.
~ Relax your feet muscles, and work up your body relaxing muscles.
~ Concentrate on your breathing through your abdomen, and while exhaling, start counting 1 to 5 in your mind.
~ Continue doing this for 10 to 20 minutes, twice a day. Avoid doing this more than once within 2 hours or after meals.
Though these tips are quite simple and effective, they require commitment and consistent practice from your side. These basic techniques are an antidote to stress, tension, and anxiety. They boost our energy levels and help us to lead a happy and healthy life.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.