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Debilitating Anxiety- What is it and How to Overcome

Bidisha Mukherjee
Overcoming the problem of debilitating anxiety is difficult but not impossible. Read this story to get a brief overview about this disorder.
Anxiety is a strong negative emotion which is triggered by mental stress. Usually, we can tackle the nervousness and perform our task. However, a bout of anxiety attack can be described as a condition when a person gets fearful thoughts all of a sudden without any reason. During this time, some feel restless, suffocated, others feel that they may die or they may get killed.
It continues hardly for few minutes or hours and then goes away on its own. If it is not treated properly it keeps coming back from time to time and that too without any warning signal. As a result, these people live in a fear that they may get the next anxiety attack any moment.
In other words, debilitating anxiety has an adverse impact on their personal and professional life.


Many people get debilitating anxiety as they fail to identify anxiety symptoms. Here are a few symptoms of anxiety that are most commonly observed.
  • Restlessness
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Palpitation
  • Excessive sweating
  • Pain and discomfort in the stomach
  • Sense of hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Lack of patience
  • Sleeping problems like insomnia
  • Concentration problem


When the physical symptoms of anxiety are debilitating and serious, then doctors try to reduce the intensity of the symptoms with the help of antianxiety medications. These medicines that are used for anxiety cures should not be continued for a long time as they are addictive and do not have any effect on the root cause of the problem.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is of great help for debilitating anxiety. In this therapy, a therapist first identifies the real underlying cause that triggers the unwanted anxiety feelings and helps the patient develop skills to stay calm and relaxed in stressful situations. Yoga and meditation are helpful for stress relief.

Ways to Relieve Anxiety

Along with the clinical treatment for anxiety, some changes are needed in daily habits and lifestyle in order to tackle the problem more effectively. Here are a few suggestions in this regard:

Eat Healthy Foods

Fresh fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates lean proteins should be included in the daily diet. Sugary foods, processed foods should be avoided. One should abstain from alcohol as it tends to aggravate anxiety symptoms.

Take Rest

A sound sleep at night for at least 8 hours can reduce the stress levels to a great extent. Those who find it difficult to fall asleep should take a warm bath or listen to a soothing music in order to induce sleep.

Plan Daily Schedule

We feel stressed out when we try to do too many things in a short span of time. It will be better if we prioritize our daily tasks and work accordingly. High priority assignments should be finished off first and if time permits, then complete the remaining low priority tasks.

Breathe Easy

Anxiety makes our breathing short and shallow which in turn causes lots of health problems. Therefore, you have to spend 5-10 minutes of the day taking some slow deep breaths. Such breathing exercises have a relaxing effect on the mind.

Stay Active

Let me tell you that the symptoms of debilitating anxiety do not cause any kind of physical harm. So, stop living life in fear and make conscious efforts to lead a productive life. Regular exercising also helps to remain physically active and overcome chronic fatigue.
Debilitating anxiety develops when anxiety symptoms are ignored over a period of time. It can be prevented if some prompt action is taken at the onset of a mild panic attack. It includes living a healthy disciplined life, practicing breathing exercises for relaxation and elimination of unnecessary negative thoughts from the mind.