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Cure for Hiccups in Adults

Sonia Nair
Hiccups are common, but sometimes the condition may last longer than a few minutes. Go through this story for some hiccup cures.
Short bouts of hiccups are very common. It appears all of a sudden, lasts for a short time and disappears. Such hiccups do not need any treatment, and are mostly found to be not a cause of concern. As it can be annoying and embarrassing at times, most people resort to some remedies that cure hiccups within seconds.

What Causes Hiccups?

Technically, hiccups are sudden involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, and the sound is caused by the vocal cords that snap shut due to muscle spasms. As mentioned before, short bouts of hiccups are common in adults as well as kids and even newborns.
In most cases, such short bouts are temporary and normal; but, if they are persistent or prolonged, treatment will be required.
Various factors trigger hiccups. They include eating too fast, consumption of carbonated beverages, swallowing air, consumption of fatty and spicy foods, excess smoking or alcohol consumption, over excitement, stress, variations in temperature, abdominal surgery, use of some medication, and certain medical conditions, like pneumonia.

Ways to Cure Hiccups in Adults

Hiccups can be controlled and cured with some remedies. However, cure for hiccups in adults should not be tried in babies. Babies need to be comforted, when they experience hiccups. Older babies can be distracted with toys or some other things, for relief from the symptoms.
You may also try breastfeeding the baby for a minute, so that hiccups can be relieved. Here are some remedies for hiccups in adults.
  • One of the common hiccup remedies is water. Drink a glass of water, holding your breath. It is said that, sipping iced water is also helpful for stopping hiccups.
  • You may also try holding your breath for a while, to stop hiccups. Some people try breathing fast or inhaling and exhaling into a paper bag for controlling hiccups. If you want to try the latter method, make sure that your nose as well as the mouth is inside the bag.
  • Another cure for hiccups in adults is granulated sugar, that has to be swallowed. Diabetics should avoid this method. Even sucking a lemon with some salt, or having some lemon juice, are effective for curing hiccups.
  • It has been observed that, some strong smells can stop hiccups. Some people try smelling lemon wedges or vinegar for this purpose. Sniffing smelling salts is another hiccups cure.
  • It has been observed that hiccups vanish with a good fright. In order to try this method, you have to seek the help of another person.
  • Inhalation of essential oils is another hiccup remedy. You may use essential oils, like lemon, basil, and sandalwood, for this purpose.
Frequent hiccups in adults could be an indication of an underlying medical condition, that requires treatment. The same applies to persistent hiccups too. If the hiccups are associated with vomiting blood or pain, seek medical attention immediately.
Usually, frequent and persistent hiccups in adults is treated with medication, but surgical procedures may be required, if the problem is chronic.
Disclaimer: This story is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.