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Cherry Juice for Insomnia

Rohini Mohan
Recently many claims have been made which state the benefits of cherry juice for insomnia. Cherry juice is no doubt good for health, but the FDA has warned that these claims are mere publicity stunts.
A delicious Cherry juice is readily available. The cherry fruit contains anthocyanin, which forms the red pigment within and outside the fruit. This anthocyanin has shown to be effective in subsiding inflammation and pain. This study was conducted on rats, which does not prove the same beneficial effects on humans.
Significantly, the beneficial effects of cherry juice have been linked to aiding weight loss and controlling diabetes and heart diseases. It is also believed to control and lower cholesterol.
It must also be noted that this juice is a potent source of antioxidants which is essential for creating resistance against health conditions. These antioxidants help fight free radicals which are disease causing pathogens attacking from within the system.

Cherry Nutritional Value Per 100 g / 3.5 oz

  • Vitamin C - 7 mg
  • Iron - 0.36 mg
  • Proteins - 1.1 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 16 g
  • Fiber - 2.1 g
  • Total Energy - 263 kJ

Cherry Juice Pilot Study Facts

It has been recently claimed that drinking cherry juice before going to bed helps the individual sleep better, which is why it has been deemed as a possible cure for insomnia. The mooting factor seems to be the claim that cherry induces the secretion of the hormone melatonin in the brain, which is responsible for controlling the sleep-awake cycle in humans.
However, do not fall into the hype that quickly, the reason being that the pilot research which came up with this conclusion had been funded by CherryPharm Inc, which would, logically speaking, draw a biased analysis from the study in order to promote its own trade.
The study was tried on 15 elderly people who have been suffering from chronic sleep deficiency. The study was conducted over a small time frame of two weeks, during which period the elders continued to experience and complain of difficulties in sleeping or staying asleep.
The juice was given either in the form of placebo therapy for some elders or as a normal juice for others. This was done to find out the difference between the two groups, who were not aware of which was cherry and which was mere placebo in the form of diluted apple juice.
They were given cherry juice twice a day, once during the morning and once during the evenings, two hours before going to bed. The amount administered was 8 oz or 227 ml per serving.
This was a very small group of people who were tested upon, however, the large-scale effect of cherry juice for curing the hapless condition of insomnia has not yet been proven in precise terms, such as in a Yes or a No.

Does Cherry Juice for Sleep Work?

  • The fact remains that the researchers themselves agree that the pilot study showed moderate results and was in no way a great success.

  • The small selective group does not validate similar effects at a larger scale and for all cases and stages of sleep deficiency or insomnia.
  • The time frame of the study was too short, as 2 weeks cannot provide sufficient time for coming up with a valid and fool proof conclusion.
  • The analysis was based on the assessment given by each participant about the effects the juice had on their sleep every night for 14 days. This observation may be biased, based on the placebo effect. The researchers should have conducted a proper polysomnographic assessment, which would have studied the participant's sleep graph and noted the changes.
  • The participants were not patients of chronic insomnia. Instead they were individuals who were facing minor difficulties in sleeping or experiencing lower levels of sleep deficiency. These candidates were probably not suitable for the pilot test and actual insomniacs should have been tested upon.
There is no doubt about the fact that there are many cherry juice benefits which are attached to maintaining good health. It has also been proven to be an excellent energy drink and has been a life saver for athletes and long distance sportsmen.
Athletes especially vouch for the effectiveness of cherry juice and its ability to recharge and energize quickly. But whether or not, it helps in inducing sleep has not yet been proven.
The FDA issued warnings against claims made by cherry juice products, which make the juice seem like it had medicinal properties and are deeming it as a drug, which is not true, and has not yet been approved by the FDA. As for now, whether cherry juice actually works for insomnia or not, cannot be answered until scientifically proven through proper testing.